
What are the chances i will get....?

by  |  earlier

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crohn's disease if my Dad has it. I am scared that i will also get it because i am only 17 and it is usually diagnosed in your 20s. the only other person in my family who has it is my dad's distant cousin so what are the chances he will pass it to me or my brother?




  1. OK...guy above me is a jackass.

    I have heard that you stand about a 10% chance you will get it.  Alot depends on if any other people in your family have it.  I have a distant cousin with it also but everyone else in my family doesn't.  

    From a seminar I attended, I recall that if a sibling has have a 16% chance of it.  However, if you have it...there is a 8% chance you could pass it along to your child.

    The link above might provide some information you are looking for.

  2. Stay away from anal s*x and I think you'll be okay.  

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