
What are the chances of Iraq or Iran hitting the U.S. with a nuclear weapon?

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Iraq is 7,000 miles away form touching the U.S. soil. An intercontinental ballistic missile can travel over 3500 miles, I don't know if 7,000 miles have ever been tested, But that would take some time to hit the U.S. and I always thought that our missile defense could stop that easily. So my question is even if Iraq and Iran had the weapons, would they be dumb enough to try something so improbable as to attack a country that has the most powerful military that's 7,000 miles away with a missile that may not even be capable of reaching the target? I just figured instead of sending 100's of thousands of people to their deaths that we could take there weapons out as soon as they hit the trigger.




  1. I wish Bush would have seen your question and statement 7 years ago

  2. They probably couldn't reach the U.S. but they can certainly reach many U.S. allies.

  3. You have better chances in winning the lottery.  It wouldn't happen.

  4. It may never happen but that's not to say they don't want to.

    As for the distance an ICBM can travel, don't believe everything you hear on television about how far one can travel.

  5. Why can't Iran do what Iran wants to do in its own country-why do the Israelis have to threaten them with an attack(they launched their missiles AFTER Israel announced it would attack), and why do the U.S. feel that they can tell Iran what to do?  It was the same with Iraq---Why is it that America cannot take care of it's own business but wants to mess around with other countries' business?  Iran has not threatened America---Israel, our big ally-has never helped with a single soldier to fight the war on terror--nor have they supplied any of their "super" weapons to fight roadside bombs---so why do we want to help them?  I cannot understand how we can pay them 3 billion dollars annually and all they do is look on while our boys and girls die for them, because the war on terror is not only ours, it is theirs as well.  Iran has nothing to do with all this.  The Iranian president might be a nutcase, but he got oil, so why would he be so stupid and start something with anyone?  China is his biggest customer, Russia is his big brother---does anyone really believe that we should mess with Iran?  The Israelis need to pay for the land they stole from the Palestinians, they need to stop their discrimination of the Palestinians, and they need to stop collecting money from anyone without doing something.  They were talking of attacking Iran on November 5th.  Now, why do they have to wait until OUR election day is here to attack Iran?  Doesn't that strike anyone as weird?  

    I believe that the Israelis are just full of c**p, that they instigate a lot of misery and then do not want to live with the consequences....leave them alone and let them fight their own fights--that's what I think.....

  6. 0 for USA mainland, only ships and American interests in the middle east.

    However I don't think they will, unless they are attacked first.

  7. It won't happen.

  8. They will use any weapon they can get their hands on to disrupt the US in any way they can. Since they cannot directly affect the US they will go after US interests within their capabilities, like US military bases in the middle east and Europe. They will also go after Israel and their interests as well.

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