
What are the chances of Ireland winning the Six Nations next year?

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What are the chances of Ireland winning the Six Nations next year?




  1. if ireland perform like they did during the recent autum internationals then smart money is on them.

    - I have been following irleland for 5 years now and they are in the best form I have ever seen and would personally rate them no.2 in the world - the same as the irb. France could prove me wrong.

    lets watch .....

  2. G'day Confused,

    Thank you for your question.

    I would think that Ireland and France are the two favourites based on recent form. Wales are a chance while the Scots and English are outside chances. The Italians are rank outsiders as usual.


  3. Well, If Ireland beat france, they will win the Six nations because i don't think the other four nations will be much of a threat.

  4. Ireland are odds on to win the 6 nations next year. The home matches at Croke Park against England and France are a bonus!!

    I would be amazed if they dont.

  5. i think theyv a pretty good chance with the heiniken cup for munster and beating south africa and the islands they seem to be doin well and that will boust there confidance. there third in the world the all blacks and france are 1 and 2 so they only have to beat france to come against the all blacks. england have been **** since winnin da last world cup and havent a chance in winnin the six nations. even if ireland do loose to france thell deffinitly have the trible crown

  6. they have an extremely good chance this time, bookies are plaacing them very slightly behind france but its going to be close. the Ireland-France game is going to be the decider...

  7. The best fot 20 years.

  8. Judging by their recent performances against australia and pacific islands pretty good - scotland are battlers butr got hoed up by australia, welsh at time look good but were mince meat to the all blacks as were the frenchies and england might as well forfeit all their games!

    Wales, Ireland and France are the contenders on current form

  9. A lot better than Englands I would say. As long as they France at home and not in Paris they could even have a say in becoming champions.

  10. 100% no question....................   what kind of question is that???????there is no other answer ...........Ireland focking rock

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