
What are the chances of McCain wining?

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what do you think the chances of McCain wining now that he has chosen a woman vice president some of you may remember I think it was the late 70s when Walter Mondale chose a woman to be his vice president he was a Democrat would there really be a difference having woman president or a vice president does anyone ever remember any election being like this one?




  1. im with the last guy! obama all the way dude!

  2. I think McCain's realistic chances are about 35%.  Unless something drastic happens.

  3. 100%

  4. Nill.

    I say this because Palin became governor of a town of 6,000 people, at the time that Barack Obama had already graduated from Law School at Harvard, been the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, been working as a community organizer for years, and had been a senior Lecturer on Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School, and just started in the ILLINOIS STATE SENATE. How can you even compare? People are going to come out of nowhere and claim Palin has just as much experience as Obama, but they are forgetting his time in the State Senate, when she had been a freaking mayor of a town with less people than my high school.

    Alaska, folks, has just as many people as many single US Cities, for example, the city of Memphis. Who would elect a President as old as John McCain in a time of war with the potential that he could die of natural causes and leave it to  this woman who had run that state for less than two years! Who is insane enough to do that, when across on the other ticket, you've got Joe Biden, someone whose been around longer than McCain and is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee?

    If people are voting McCain, they are voting with ignorance to the facts at hand on everything from the economy, to healthcare, to homeland security. They are voting because they think too many unborn babies are dying, yet their candidates have no plan to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies (which is step one in that fight.)

    I have studied Barack Obama's resume long and hard, and compared to John McCain, the guy that started dating Cindy while he was still living with his first wife, and married Cindy literally one month after his divorce was finalized, I think people are going to come to their senses on this one.

    I used to be a moderate Republican but the Dems have my vote this time around.

    Enough is enough.

  5. Honestly, I think that his chances are 50/50.  Geraldine Ferrara was the first female vp nominee.  Palin is the second, but the first for the Republican party.  I think its awesome that this election, regardless of the results will be groundbreaking for our country.  We will either have the first black (or bi-racial) president or the first female vice president.

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