
What are the chances of Philippines hosting the Olympics in the next 20 years?

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beijing has undergone a complete transformation in preparation for the summer games. english-language (everyone can now say "ha-pi-tu-mi-te-yu") & anti-spitting lessons for the masses; entire neighborhoods ripped down & rebuilt; cutting-edge western architects let loose to create futuristic landmarks amid the forests of gleaming new towers. the ancient capital has taken on edgy, neon-electric 21st century frenetic feel...Wow!

so, can we do the same for the philippines, say in the year 2028???




  1. no. not even in our dreams. unless the govt. change

  2. possible yan. will corruption ever go away in my lifetime? possible too?

  3. yeah sure .. why not ...

  4. at the rate our country is going,  the communist party of the philippines will be in power and give it a few more years then we are off to hosting the olympic games.

  5. Unfortunately probably never because the Philippines is not a very exculsive country. The only country that ever mentions anything about the Philippines is the Philipppines. Until the attitudes change in the Filipino government to make the Philippines more economicaly competitive rather than copying other countries like the US then may be yes.

  6. nevah

  7. No way in this century... or the next

  8. .....We have a nuclear power station to get operating first. Ha Ha  Hindi  try the year 3,016.  

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