
What are the chances of San Diego or Los Angeles getting a hurricane?

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just out of curiosity because its soo close to baja california and thats the area where its happening




  1. Contrary to the other answers, the chances are very small, but not zero.  San Diego was struck by a hurricane in 1858 and Los Angeles was hit by a tropical storm in 1939.  Hurricane Kathleen (perhaps prematurely downgraded to a depression) caused flash flooding, heavy winds and several deaths in Southern California in 1976.Some models forecast that Hurricane Linda would make landfall near San Diego in 1997.

    This year the ocean water is relatively warm (low to mid-70s near San Diego), so if a storm were to venture into the proper area of the Eastern Pacific and be rapidly accelerated northward by a deep upper level trough of low pressure, it could make it to California. It's doubtful that it could be stronger than Category 1 though.

  2. No chance.  There are no hurricanes in the Pacific.


  3. The water is not warm enough in those areas.

  4. Less than one percent, unless global warming continues and suddenly the ocean currants change and so cal ends up with a crazy freak of nature warm stream.  But really, that's about the only possible scenario

  5. There are no chances for them to get a hurricane because the waters are too cold to maintain the hurricanes intensity and most storms form off the west coast of Mexico and they usually move east. But they can get remnants of hurricanes that can bring a little wind and flooding rains.  

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