
What are the chances of a 9th grade realtionship going beyond highschool???

by Guest65943  |  earlier

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just tell me the chances i know it depends on different people.




  1. Honestly Id have to say about 15%

  2. Sorry, Charlie, but it isn't likely.  That isn't to say that you shouldn't ask her out or be with her, you're both young and this time is for learning about yourselves and getting ready for life . . . enjoy each other (but not too much!  *grin*) and maybe you will be together longer, but if you don't last past high school, it isn't the end of the world.  All of have survived through high school romances and come out the better for it at the other end.

  3. uhm ide say 40%

    good luck.=]

  4. Not great. But not zero.

  5. Almost 0. I have never heard of anybody in the past 20 years starting a relationship in gr. 9 that lasted into their 20s. Not that they're not out there, just that it's so unlikely to happen, you don't really hear about it. People can change so much between 14 and 20.

  6. It depends on the people and the relationship. I was in 9th grade when I had my first love. We dated other people on and off in high school and later became engaged. While it did not work out for us in the end - we did manage to take life beyond high school. . . For the record - we did not go to the same school.

  7. still too young to understand a mature relationship. a lot happens in hichschool.

  8. very low. u dont love anyone at that age. in highschool ur suppose to date a lot of different people anyway. dont wanna be stuck with one person

  9. i give it another month at the most.

  10. almost none

  11. Quite slim.  That's why Highschool Sweethearts are sooo rare!  Cause it's not likely the relationship will last...

    Probably because we're teens and exploring new feelings and such....

    But me and my bf are going STRONG

    and both families get along w/each other...SOOOO much goog w/us...

    I think we're pretty mature

    And will last

    So I say what I have and am experiencing is EXTREMELY rare, but I'm VERY blessed to have him!

  12. I'd say very little. It's sad, but unfortunately, that's what the statistics say. Even some people I knew who started their relationships in 12th grade ended them within 2 years of graduation. It's because people are drastically changing their lives after high school, they're going different directions, they're meeting ALOT more people, and they are maturing emotionally from all of these new experiences. It's common as a teenager to think you know everything and that everything you feel is real, but it often turns out to not be the case.

  13. 1% chance.

    I learned that in s*x ed.

  14. it depends on you guys really but id say reallly slimmmmmmm

  15. .5%  Notice this decimal in front of the 5.  You don't even want it to go past high school......there is too much fun to be had in college to be tied down to one person.

  16. While I have to say that out of my graduating class I only know of a few that survived, I can say that my own did.

    We have been together for 25 years now with three kids. It is not easy to keep a HS relationship going but it can be done.

    Your HS years are a time of change and development. The person you were as a freshman is not going to be the person you will be when you graduate. You and your partner will be maturing and growing. If you are lucky you will grow in the same direction but the chances are more likely  that you will drift apart.

    It will be up to both of you to make it last if it is what you want. Remember to always talk to each other and discuss your dreams and your goals.

  17. well personally, i don't think a relationship is going to last all through high school. But you never know, my friend is a junior and has been dating her boyfriend since freshman year. Its really how you and this person get along.

  18. If you keep worrying about it you'll probably start getting clingy and paranoid and weird and drive her away. Be you, enjoy the relationship as it is now and try not to stress about the future.

  19. ehh it depends. it could go much farther than 9th grade. it really depends on the boy/girl..i think the chances are slim because sometimes u meet new people. but if u really like eachother it could deffentely go on

  20. 0 and thats the answer unless its supper strong then a 1 out of 999999999999

  21. my mom has known my dad since she was 12 and now shes 32 and there still together

  22. if u think about it it is like a 50 50% chance i mean me and my fiance have been together since 2nd grade it all depends on how strong the relationship is

  23. slim to none

  24. My brother did it but it does take lots of work. Chances depend on how serious you are... How in love you are...

  25. well it really depends on the people and the level of drama in their lives

  26. very rare

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