
What are the chances of a aeroplane crashing ?

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and what are the chances of it blowing up on the runway ?




  1. 0.0002%

    The odds of the plane you are on crashing are about 1 in 500,000.

  2. the chances of dying in a plane crash have been caculated at about 11million to 1, not sure if anyones gone in to it that deep as to work out death by explosion on the runway...

  3. i steeped off a plan yesterday and i was scared of the same thing and what i did i brand my ds and psp and i was fine also i took my mind off that i was in an airplane.

  4. ermm

    if you airplane fly for 86 years( like straight without stopping), then it might just crash 1 time... that small

    your chances of being involved in an airplane is 1 in 11million, and to put that in comparison, chances of being killed in a car accident is 1 in 5000

    hmm... or

    25 Accidents with 2 fatal accidents out of 11,200,000 flights.

    Total 50 fatalies

    Accident rate per 100,000 is 0.223 or 0.018 for those with fatalies

    or if you are reallyyy scared

    how to survive a plane crash

    how to survive a fall from the sky

    hope this help :D

    don't worry, you'll live

  5. chances are 1/1000000, very unlikely.

  6. I've heard you're safer in a plane than in a car.  

  7. the chances are about 10%

  8. 50% it either does or it does not

  9. you got more chance of being hijacked love!flying the safest way to travel  

  10. omg the chances are like 1 in 1,000,000 lol and besides it can't really blow up unless there was a bomb in it but it can land very hard and probably just ruin the tail or something thats it


  11. The chances of an aeroplane crashing are highly unlikely. To put it into context. you are more likely to be kicked to death by a donkey than die in a place crash.

    As for it blowing up on the runway, I have never heard of this happening. Are you worrying because you are going on a plane journey soon?

  12. I heard something stupid like you're more likely to DIE twisting your ankle in the bath, falling over and banging your head than dieing in a plane, according to statistics.

    Sounds crazy but apparently absolutely true. I found that quite reassuring.

  13. Really really low

  14. Unimaginably small.

    0.005 hours per 100,000 hours chance that you'll die.

    That's a 1 in 20 million chance you'll die for each hour you spend in the air.

    For 15 hours, that's still a 1 in 133,333.3.... chance that'll you will die that flight.

    And the chances of it "blowing up on the runway"... zero.

    I have never seen an airliner explode on the runway.

    They have caught fire sometimes, but if they do, you can easily escape through the emergency exits.

    You have about 90 seconds to get to an exit before you're in danger of dying after being expoused to toxic smoke.

    Considering that you need to travel only at the most a hundred feet, this should be no major feat.

  15. Very, very small indeed. But the chances vary significantly between airlines. Some third world airlines a much more risky - apart from the lousy service!

    There is also a statistically significant factor in the age of the aeroplane.

    The magazine "Flight International" used to publish the statistics annually, but I have not seen them for some time, so they may have chickened out.

  16. idk but its very very unlikley i've been on planes like 15 times before and never crashed or even came closed to crashing so trust me you will be fine

  17. 200,000 to 1 =]

  18. With the airline industry in the financial condition it's in these days, I have to question just how much maintenance has been cut or is being pencil whipped.

    And now they are loading less fuel to save fuel, so when will the first plane fall out of the sky out of gas?

    What are the chances? Who knows?

    But I won't get on a plane!

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