
What are the chances of a tornado on LI?

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Okay, so I live on Long Island and tonight there was a tornado warning, but it expired quickly. I know a few times we've had water spouts(is that what it's called?). Anyway, so what's the chances of having a big tornado? Also what is the best thing to do if one were to happen here? I do have a basement and I know to go down there, but is there something else that is very important to do?




  1. ok i know you have had bad weather up there but the sizes of tornadoes that could happen would be a f-1- f-3 so not that many huge tornadoes. the chance that you will get an f-5,(strongest) tornado is a one two or even a three! but if one were ever to happen make sure you wacth the local news or weather channel and if they issue a strong tornado warning than you should grab your weather radio and head to the basement. the best place to go in the basement is under a work table or bench, if you do not have any of those in your basement then you should grab a blanket or mattress and put it over your head in case of the basement ceiling caves in on you. if you can not get to the basement fast enough then go into the closet and but blankets or amatress over your head. if you are not in the base ment hold on to something sturdy so you wont blow away! hope you are now tornado ready!


  2. the chance of having a tornado in long island is really small. you don't get much of the hot air that surges up from the gulf of Mexico.

  3. The chance for a big tornado there is extremely small, though not zero.  The weather factors that typically produce the big ones are quite rare in that area.  Still, even a smaller one is dangerous.  Going to the basement is the best thing to do.  It would also be a good idea to hide under a stairwell or heavy piece of furniture there in the basement, in case any debris would fall into the basement.  Don't waste time opening windows, as that would make no difference.

  4. Somewhat less than hurricane winds from a hurricane, but not by much.  I observed one in Bethpage in 1955 while playing softball in gym at the old high school, and there may have been two or three since.   The 1955 tornado blew a porch off a house and dumped it in the backyard; and other ones have not been much stronger.  Prayer always helps when you are in the basement, but remember that there probably is NOT a warning system in place; tornados are so infrequent.  

  5. I grew up on Long Island and there was one tornado in my twenty years there and I think it lasted for about two minutes and knocked down like three trees. The chances are slim, and probably closer to zero for having a big tornado. And if there is one just go down to the basement and stay away from windows!

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