
What are the chances of actualy being swiched at birth?

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And how many of the people that are swiched actualy know that they are with someone elses family??




  1. In Canada 1 in 12 newborns are given to the wrong parents at birth

  2. i would say its very rare in this day and almost non existant

  3. now adays its near immpossable.. they attach a ankle monitor at birth for idenafacation and to prefent kiddnaping... tells them whos who... and most moms babys never leave there side.. mine didnt...

    my son montior went off 3 times in one day (1st time cuz dad was playing with it) a Nurse ran in with  a phone/walkie talking and was all "YES, Baby in site, With Parents!".. we were all WTH???? and they explained all about the monitor...

  4. It's possible for it to happen but these days it's kind of hard to.

  5. Not common these days.

    At my hospital, both mom and baby wear a bracelet, and they check the numbers every time they bring the baby in the room.

  6. Slim to none. Before the baby is removed from the room there is an Id band placed on your arm as well as the babies ankle. They have to check the bands before they give you the baby anytime they take the baby for any reason. They also have special cards or ways to let youknow the right people have the baby. For instance at the hospital my youngest was born at they had to give me a certian card (id type card to say who took her and when) and when they came back with the baby they checked my wrist id and the babys and then gave me my daughter.

    For my son things were a bit different. Since he was transported to another hospital for the NICU they checked my wrist id from the hospital he was born at and then gave me a new one for their hospital. I had to have the Id before I went into the NICU to see my son and they checked it everytime for 2 months (even though the nurses knew me by then).

  7. With my first baby, it was darn near impossible. From the time I arrived at the hospital to the time I was discharged, my son never left my side. They slapped ID bracelets on me as soon as I came in (and him as soon as he came out) and even wheeled us to my recovery room together. If he got switched, someone had to have pulled some sort of magic trick because he was with me the entire time.

    I'll be at a different hospital for this birth since I've moved states, but from I learned from the hospital staff, they let the babies stay with the mommies too.

  8. It used to be more common in the past because procedures weren't as clear and they generally took the babies away from their mothers right away.  Now, most babies are kept in the room with the mothers for the duration of the hospital stay and they slip an identifying wrist band on the baby right away too.


    it very rare

    but it can happen

    but once the baby comes out they clean it and put a wrist band on it that if u scan it has all the mother's info on the computer so they know hu's the mother.

    s0o0 u shouldnt worry about it they have very good tech.


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