
What are the chances of an Xbox 360 getting the Red Rings of Death?

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I wanna know because i'm planning on buying one so i wanna know all the problems with the systems and how to deal with it. And don't tell me to buy a PS3 instead. XD




  1. 5% It used to be a lot higher (33%) but Microsoft has done a lot inside the console to make it more reliable.

  2. the red rings of death happen because your xbox 360 gets overheated. that's what happen 2 mine

  3. Hi,

    It is still likely to happen about 10% of the tme but has got alot better and they are releasing a new chipset and motherboard soon so it should get rid of this problem for good!

  4. The chance of it happening to a recent console (2008-04-15) is really almost 0%

  5. if you buy a used one, from the first years release, 100 percent chance, that you will one day get RROD

    if you buy the current gen model, you have a better chance due to new cpu chipset, but you GPU chip is still based on the original design, and still susceptible to overheating, if you get brand new upcoming models, they will have the brand new gpu as well, and i would say that would lower your chances exponentially.

    even with the best system, you will still need to keep it well venitalated, do not stack things on it, or by it (vents on the side) nor will u want to leave it on all night...those will cause problems overtime with any other designs.  

  6. The people who buy a BRAND NEW xbox360 these days have a very slim chance to get the red rings anymore. the majority of the "red ringed" xbox 360s were the first 500-1000 that were FIRST shipped. But now microsoft will give you a new xbox if you get the 3 rings.

    but watch out: the ps3 is now making a new "rule" about there warrentys.if the ps3 has "to much dust" in it, they just wont fix it at all!


    XBOX 360 RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. it is like 10-15%

  8. umm buy new one liek the 60gb your chances is pretty low

    when xboxs first game out the rate was about 30% and it has been droping every year and

    60gbs has falcon chips in them like the elits  well the new elits  plus with that it has jasper motherboard  there brand new an microsoft clams there better

    just dont sit the sytem in enclosed place like entertainment system with glass door closed

    an you be fine

    dont buy no stupid intercooler fan or u have rrod in a day

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