
What are the chances of balancing the effects of global warming?

by Guest58721  |  earlier

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With the influence of green businesses and the efforts of people and volunteers and new policies, is there a good chance to balance the influence when we learn to make a zero impact with carbon?




  1. Of course not you rube. Global warming is caused by the sun.  

  2. I don't believe in global warming becuase I think it's sort of superstitious.  I think the planet goes through the changes time and time again.  If you look at the graphs of climate change scientists have tried to record, many of them go up then they go down.  It's just time for another ice age but in reverse.  It's a heat wave.



    There is no global warming. Period.

    You can't find a real scientist anywhere in the world who can look you in the eye and, without hesitation, without clarification, without saying, kinda, mighta, sorta, if, and or but...say "yes, global warming is with us."

    There is no evidence whatsoever to support such claims. Anyone who tells you that scientific research shows warming trends - be they teachers, news casters, Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents or Presidents - is wrong. There is no global warming.

    Scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements shows that the temperature is actually cooling - very slightly - .037 degrees Celsius.

    A little research into modern-day temperature trends bears this out. For example, in 1936 the Midwest of the United States experienced 49 consecutive days of temperatures over 90 degrees. There were another 49 consecutive days in 1955. But in 1992 there was only one day over 90 degrees and in 1997 only 5 days.

    Because of modern science and improved equipment, this "cooling" trend has been most accurately documented over the past 18 years. Ironically, that's the same period of time the hysteria has grown over dire warnings of "warming."

    Changes in global temperatures are natural. There is no proof that temperature is affected by anything that man has done.

    In fact, recent severe weather has been directly attributed to a natural phenomenon that occurs every so often called El Nino. It causes ocean temperatures to rise as tropical trade winds actually reverse for a time.

    The resulting temperature changes cause severe storms, flooding and even draught on every continent on earth.

    It's completely natural. El Nino has been wreaking its havoc across the globe since long before man appeared.

    How about the reports that the polar ice cap is melting?

    Well, yes it is. In fact, it has been for about a million years or so. We are at the end of the ice age in which ice covered most of North American and Northern Europe.

    read more here!

  4. its already too late..even if the whole world "goes green" in the next 2 years we "WILL" have a natural dizaster..thats why ppl and sicentist are making therioes about moving mankind to the moon.....

  5. Global warming its not real. if we had an ice age right now we would be saying its happening to quickly it must be gases blocking the suns rays. Then we would be ok but it gets i lil bit hotter oh my just like what happened many many times before on this earth

  6. I deffinatly think there are chances of balancing the effects of global warming. I don't believe in Global Warming but i don't believe that we are producing too much gasses in the air for the Earth to handle during its stage of the heating/ cooling stuff. Even if alot of people don't care about the global warming mess, there are probably more people who do care about the enviornment.

  7. Going green is just becoming a big money making business.... just think, since when did businesses start caring about the environment? since when did they start thinking about spending millions of dollars on media campaigns? It is just to make money out of something we humans really don't have much control over.

  8. None.  Carbon is an element that exists in most things.  The world is already carbon neutral.  No matter what you do, the amount of carbon remains the same.  It changes from one form to another all the time.  

    All humans and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, that is perfectly carbon neutral.

    If there is more carbon, it will mix with oxygen and form carbon dioxide, thus providing additional air for additional plants to grow and keep the balance in check.

    Oil have the same amount of carbon as the plants and animals that used to be alive millions of years ago.  Isn't that carbon neutral?

  9. We won't balance or counter act global warming but we can slow our contribution and slow the effects.  

  10. The .0035 of one percent of CO2 in the atmosphere has not changed and any change would be minimal.  Global warming is just a myth used to control our lives and over 40,000 scientist agree man has no impact on the temperature.  Solar activity has cause all planets to warm and the cycle is now going into lower and no sun spots and a cooler sun and cooler world.  The Sun and Volcanoes are what control our temperature.  

    Open your windows and run your AC it just the same as all the things your doing now which is zero impact.

  11. well, being optimistic we can say that. but its not an easy process. global warming effects are like black body. Every single effect leads to a positive feed back which further increase global warming.

    e.g. global warmming leads to glacier melting which results in uncovering soil cover which was formerly covered with snow and thus the solar radiations which were reflected back by the snow now absorbed by the soil and thus increasing global warming.

  12. I hope so but right now I don't think anyone really knows. Its just getting worse and worse.

  13. zero to none.  Humans can not counter balance the energy from the sun.

  14. There is absolutely no chance of a carbon neutral earth.  China is now the world's biggest polluter, and is not on board with reducing CO2 emissions.  India is not on board.  Basically nobody outside of Europe is on board with the exception of some US corporations such as GE who are positioned to make a profit from the hysteria.  We cannot plant enough trees, or create enough CO2 sinks to neutralize the carbon emissions produced form our global energy demand.

    The good news is, it doesn't matter.  Human CO2 emissions have very little if any effect on the climate.      

  15. Pretty good, you see you just leave your freezer open longer, that's what I do. We need to raise the avg. air tempurature. Spread the word, turn on your AC's and open your doors, Global Warming is coming!!

  16. a better question would be is are we the effect of global warming, Crowley and Lowery, 2000 describes the little ice age as "a modest cooling of the Northern Hemisphere during this period of less than 1°C," since the the temperature has only changed by about 1 degree C since the LIA could it be that we are returning to the earth normal temperature, or we could be going into a warming time like the Medieval Warm Period. Which fallowed the Dark ages Cold Period and was fallowed by the Little ice age so is "global warming" actually just a natural global cycle.  

  17. Human impact on global warming is less than 1 percent so it won't matter as long as we don't change for the worst

  18. The places lying on the same longitude have the same local time,Geographically speaking.But because of country boundaries and time zones this is not always followed.If you are doing time sums,then just consider the places on the same longitude to have the same local time.

  19. Yes there is. However, we must learn how to make 0 impact first. If we cross the point of no return, we're so screwed.

  20. Yes but we had better make an impact very soon...

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