2 years ago i started at my present job and had to adjust to the graveyard shift. It took me a couple months, but I got to like it and I was doing very well once I blacked out my windows so I could sleep in the mornings.
Now I'm living in a different place, my schedule changed from 8 hours 5 nights a week to 12 hours fri-sat-sun and I've recently taken on working the swing shift for 10 hours the remaining 4 days a week...76 hours a week total.
I'm sleeping when it's light out and I haven't blocked out the light that comes in through my big bedroom window. I'm drinking at least one energy drink a day, though I'm drinking a lot more vitamin water and green tea than I ever have before. I don't eat a whole lot, and it's been fast food lately, however I've eaten much better when I've found time to cook something healthy.
At work, I'm beginning to have coordination issues, I cut my finger open with a pair of scissors by accident, and I just can't seem to focus like I could before.
I tried getting plenty of sleep, but all the caffiene seems to pop my eyes open after about 6 hours of sleep.
My back is starting to ache, I'm nauseous for most of the day, and I'm smoking about twice as much as I did before.
I'm committed to working both shifts because I'm the best guy they have for my position in the company, but I'm afraid it won't be long and I'll just go flat out dumb...
Is it possible to become stupid and uncoordinated from not sleeping enough, working 45% of the time, living on energy drinks and hardly eating?
Please don't tell me I'm stupid right now... this is only going to last a few more weeks... maybe a month.