
What are the chances of getting an interview with ACME talent agency??

by  |  earlier

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i am thinking of sending in my resume to them but i know they are a very good agency so what are the chances of getting in??

i have done 6 commercials 2 tv show and a few films one feature length and some student films not to mention about 50 dance performances (i have been a pre professional dancer since i was 5 and trained with a major company when i was 13 im 14 now) and about 20 plays i also have done many training workshops over the summers and school year and trained with Eddie Foy and was in an off broadway production in new york one summer

do you think i might have a shot at getting an interview?? i also have the "look" according to my agents and certain casting directos lol





  1. wow thats alot of experience

  2. about 30% there hard to get an interview with.


    Good Luck

  3. You definitely have a shot - but don't panic if they don't call you. You don't have to be with the best just have to be willing to really work at and you will get there eventually. Acting is half talent half luck I swear.

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