
What are the chances of getting caught driving under aged?

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i am 15 1/2 and im thinking about taking out my car tonight to go a friend's house. do you think it's too risky? can a police find out that im a young driving by looking through my window at night? i have my permit.




  1. depends where you live and how many cops are in your area...if you suck at driving, dont go. you could be in an accident....

  2. If you know it is wrong, do not do it.

    I just is not worth it.  It will increase your insurance cost, delay your real license, increase the chance of doubling later violations.

    If six months seem like a long time to get your license.  Think about 2-5 years to get them if you are caught.

    Not to mention the embarrassment.

  3. It is not worth the risk.  Your lack of experience will make you stick out like a sore thumb.

  4. Lol my father taught me how to drive at 14-16.

    Not once was caught


    But don't get caught

  5. Even worse than getting caught by the police and serving time six mos. or more in juvie (and have no possibility of getting your license until at least 21 in most states) is if you have an accident it is not covered under insurance because you are not a licensed driver and you and your parents can be sued for any and all damages, EVEN IF SOMEONE HITS YOU, and they could lose everything they own or you could have Judgment against you for the rest of your life.

    Don't end your life before it is not worth it.  Wait until you are licensed and legal.

  6. Keep this in mine. If you were involved in an accident having only a permit and driving outside of your restrictions. If anyone was serious injured, or for that fact any property damage done, your insurance company would not half to pay. This means mom and dad would be civilly sued for the cost. Not to mention, you would not be able to get a license until 21 or better if the judge adds it in with an court order for a certain date when you can apply for a license.  Might want to keep this in mine next time you want to sneak out with the car !

  7. Cops are nosy by nature, but it's possible to get by with it. Although at a late hour, the odds of getting caught go waaaay up!

  8. Of course it's too risky and you know it or you wouldn't even be asking the question. Who is the registered owner of the car?  It is quite possible that if you're stopped and ticketed, the officer also could have the car impounded which means your parent(s) will have to fork out some dough to get it out of impound and you would have caused unnecessary stress and expense because you wanted to go to a friend's house tonight.  Of course, the worse case scenario would be you having an accident.  Need I say more?

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