
What are the chances of getting preg while your on the birth control pill?

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What are the chances of getting preg while your on the birth control pill?




  1. If you take it the way you're supposed to then its rare to get pregnant but there's always a chance.

    about 2%

  2. The best ways to not get pregnant is even if you are on the pill use a condom everytime or just not have s*x.

  3. Ask my 13 wks old daughter..

    I m 15.. Was on birth control since 12 to stop my heavy periods ..

    I got pregnant still.. nothing 100% eeffective

  4. The chances are pretty low, but it is hard to stay on the pill everyday. If you even skip one day then you could get pregnant.

  5. If taken constantly and the right way it is about 99% effective.

  6. if you take them properly/

    nearly none

    rember no forgetting them and set an EXACT time for taking them

    poeple will say that nothing is effective enough or w/e but they clearly didnt follow the instructions well enough

  7. i've had 3 misscarages on it so id say it was possible

  8. There's always a chance of getting pregnant. The only way you can't get pregnant is by not having s*x at all.

  9. When taken correctly, the pill is 98 - 99% effective... so 1 -2 % chance.

  10. they say the pill is 98-99% effective but everyones body chemistry is different and changes frequently. I would also use back up if you def don't want to get pregnant. I conceived two of my children while taking the pill(maybe not as accurately as suggested but never forgot to take)

  11. About one out of a 100.

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