
What are the chances of getting pregnant?!?!?!?

by Guest65985  |  earlier

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my girlfriend was on the roughly 21st day of her cycle

we had s*x and the condom broke

She took the morning after pill

but im still worried

what are the chances?




  1. dont worry, there is not really a chance of her being pregnant.

    You took the back up plan, incase that did happen

    dnt worry


  2. You chances are not that likely. But its nice that you care. My Boyfriend left me when he found out I was pregnant. But he didnt even tell me he was leaving. Good Luck!

  3. there is a very big chance so get her a prego test

  4. I think it's pretty safe to say that she's not pregnant.

  5. Chances are low. Don't worry.

  6. its pretty safe. shes probly not pregnant just get a bigger condom for next time.

  7. don't do it buddy

  8. You guys should be safe. The pill is very effective when it is taken as it is prescribed.

    Here is some more info.

    In most women the menstrual cycle lasts between 24 and 32 days. It starts with a menstrual bleeding. Ovulation takes place at some time between day 12 and day 18. Ova die if not fertilized within 24 hours of ovulation. Spermatozoa are able to fertilize an ovum for a period of about three days after they have been ejaculated, although exceptional cases of fertilization almost one week after intercourse have also been reported.

    The period from the start of menstruation to ovulation lasts between 12 and 18 days, depending on the length of the cycle (24 to 32 days). Eliminating the seven days during which sperm can survive in a woman's body, this leaves a first infertile period of five to eleven days from the beginning of menstruation. (Of course, during the first four or five days of this period, the woman will be menstruating.) The second infertile period occurs after ovulation. The time of ovulation can vary, especially if the cycle is not completely regular. Thus, if the couple wished to avoid conception, they must abstain from intercourse for the first four days after the expected time of ovulation as well. Thus, the second infertile period starts on day 16 after the beginning of menstruation in a woman with a 24-day cycle, and on day 22 in a woman with a 32-day cycle. The woman can then be considered infertile until the next menstruation starts.

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