
What are the chances of getting sole custody?

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i don't even care about child support. i know child support and custody/ visitation have almost nothing to do with one another, but i'm just saying - i'm not being one of those greedy people who wants money but give nothing in return. & seriously, i wouldn't be trying to keep my son away from his father if he was a good dad.

he's got a nasty temper, and he's lashed out at the baby. he's only 9 months old. i've called the cops on him - nothing happened. there was no proof of anything. he's moved out, and lives with his parents. he got into a lease with me for one year, and while we were moving in, left me and the baby. we had also just bought a car together, and he left me with those payments. his parents give me a check almost every week in return for letting my son visit, but it's only because i can't afford the rent at "our" new place on my own and my hands are kind of tied right now. i mean, living at home, having his parents pay for stuff, that's gotta count for something. i don't know. i'm meeting with a lawyer in a few days.

what can i do to increase my chances of getting a good thing out of this situation?




  1. You have taken the best step in securing sole legal and physical custody by making an appointment with an attorney.  Every state has different laws when it comes to the procedures of family law, and you need a trained professional to help you achieve what you want.  If you are having trouble financially you may want to look and see if there is legal aide for people in your situation.  Many times the family courts can direct you to available resources.  Good Luck, because the most important thing is to keep your son safe.

  2. Well the only thing I believe is just to file for sole custody and just lit him pay child support and have visitation rights.

  3. if his parents are paying, then they could quit at anytime.

    go to court and ask for sole custody, when there son is mandatory made to pay then they can keep paying.

  4. How are his parents with the baby?  Don't punish them because of him.  If they are good let them see the baby.  Don't punish the child either.  Make it so that he can't see the baby without them.  

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