
What are the chances of going to Iraq or somewhere else?

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As an aviation officer in the marines I understand that you have a way more chance of serving in Iraq more than A Naval, Army, or Air force Pilot. But Once in through the training and flight schools and being at a base do you travel all over? I mean I dont want to just sit back in the United States but as a Marine I worried it may get to hectic. and which would be the best out of the four to go into for the most travel and experience as either a Helicopter pilot or a jet pilot?




  1. If you love to travel alot the m,arines corp is not the way to go I would reccommend the navy or army they travel alot more plus in the army its much easier to make rank . and most likely if you never been deployed you willl sooner or later it may not be to iraq but it could be to afgastan or somewhere else it all depends.but u will be depl;oyed sooner or later this time around how everything is Am a officer in the army i been in there 13 yrs now  

  2. I call BS. There is no way a Marine aviator would ask this question on Yahoo! Answers.

    If you want to be a Marine aviator, please rephrase your question, and here's your answer: There is a very high likelihood that you will deploy.

  3. Iraq or somewhere else pretty well covers most of the known universe.

  4. Marines

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