
What are the chances of having a child with MS if your spouses sister has it?

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Trying to conceive and worried about the possibilities of having a child with this disease? My spouse has two sisters, one with the disease and one without?




  1. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my mom has MS, she was diagnosed at 17, and when she was 23 she wanted to try to have kids, but was concerned that she would pass it on, and didn't want to have her child go through the same thing.  She discussed this with her doctor, and he told her there is/was no evidence of this being passed on genetically. So, here I am, 28 years later, and I don't have it.  I have 2 daughters, and they are also fine.  There is nobody else in my family that has it either.  Good Luck ttc, I'm sure everything will be OK!

  2. MS does not usually run in families, though it has been known to.  I have MS and I am the only one in my family.  They don't know what causes MS but they do know it is not directly inherited.  BTW I wouldn't let your concern stop you.  My hubby and I had a child even though we knew I had MS.  He is perfectly healthy.

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