
What are the chances of mccain dieing during is time in office?

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do you think he will pass away during his first term in office? i hate mccain i'm voting fr obama




  1. I dont think he will,

    and obama sucks,

    i pray to god he loses this.

  2. The same chances any one of us including you, could be dead by morning. so what is your point?

  3. Morbid question.  Probably the same as anyone elses.

  4. You never know when somebody is going to die, but I guarentee you he will have the best doctors in the world.

  5. according to everyone I talk to, they think obamma would catch a bullet within his first 6 months in office, so his chances are not as bad as his rivels.

  6. I have no idea what the chances are but, isn't scary that a small town mayor can be instantly president of the US? I do not care what gender she is, she is not ready to be president and McCain must be getting senile to even think she could be!

  7. In our history, onee third of VP had to serve out the elected Presidents term. So the chances are good considering his age. he's used Sarah palin to say that he's fit as fettle and it doesn't matter that she's not qualified. She's a woman.

  8. 10-15%. I can tell you are voting for Obama by your excellent grammar.

  9. He might if he keeps giving Palin those BIG  LONG hugs

  10. The 8 ball says.........It is very possible.

  11. The chances of him dying in office are approximately the same as his chances of WINNING the election....ZERO %

  12. Actually, the chances of McCain dying (not "dieing", buy a dictionary) in office are quite low. He has been examined by a number of highly qualified doctors who all agree that he is in better physical and mental shape than many men half his age, and he is expected to live for many long years.

    Now, clearly you are too young to be voting for anyone. Stop skipping English class so you don't continue to come across as an idiot when you get out into the real world.

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