
What are the chances of me becoming an actress?

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I'm 13, white, naturally blonde with blue eyes, about 5'3 and from England.

I really believe I can do this, but lots of people have said that there is basically no chance of it for me. I'm going to start a perfoming arts class on saturdays that lasts 3 hours, and lots of people have also said that I have a great singing voice.

So will I make it?

Or any advice?

Thanks alot (:




  1. Of course you can do it.People don't have to be pretty they just have to have talent and anyone can do anything.Believe in yourself.A real actress told me that! ;)

  2. One in six thousand

  3. u must have very good luck, the ability to act and u must be very pretty, which u prob are.

  4. If you truly want something and you work hard enough to get it then you will find success - even if it is not exactly the way you thought it would be. There are many different kinds of acting so without knowing exactly what you want to do specifically, i can only give general advice.

    Take lessons. Acting for Stage, Film, Shakespeare, everything you can possibly get your hands on. Take workshops and master classes. Read, read, read. Read plays, read books about your profession - never stop working toward your goal.

    Think about attending an arts high school, and then think about post-secondary education NOW. Think about where you want to audition and find out what the requirements are and work toward that.

    Get a speech and drama teacher if you can afford it and do Trinity College's exams. They are there for building skills and repertoire.

    Do as much acting and performing as you can possibly do. Everything paid or unpaid, cool or uncool, school or community. You never know who will be there watching, and you can only get more proficient and confident the more experience that you get.

    Think about getting an agent. If you want to go down this path you need to think about the costs involved and really make sure you do your research. There are a lot of scams out there so be careful. You will need headshots and potentially a demo reel.

    Alongside that, take dance, learn to sing and read music. If you can afford to take singing lessons as well or can take music and dance at school DO. The more versatile you are as an actor, the more work you will be able to get.

    If you want more advice or have any questions feel free to email me.

    The main thing is you need to be one hundred percent sure that this is what you want to do and you need to have a back up in place (for example are you going to be happy being an acting/drama teacher for the rest of your life if you can't find success as an actor?)

    Then you just have to make it your life and work toward it. Take every opportunity and find it for yourself. Don't wait for it to fall into your lap.

    Good luck.

  5. it depends how much you want it.. you tell me what the chances are of you becoming an actress

  6. you can do it....don't listen to other ppl ur still young so yeah sure....

  7. 1 in a million

    If you're good looking then your chances are 2 in a million

  8. Advise.  

    Do it because you love it.  with lots of study. Performing every chance you get, a lot of talent, a great deal of luck.

    Make sure your parents are fully behind you, as they will have to sign contracts etc. until you are of age.

    Hope for your success.

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