
What are the chances of me being a pro baseball player when i grow up?

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What are the chances of me being a pro baseball player when i grow up?




  1. dont listen to the other  people. every body has a shot of being a pro baseball player if they put really good effort into it. im cuban and baseball is my life. im not like an A-rod or anything lol but im a really good clutch hitter. but yea  everybody has a shot of being a pro baseball player. i heard some teams hold tryouts. dont give up for the passion you love keep pushing

  2. There is always a chance.

    You  probably need to hit about .500 in High School so scouts will want to draft you.

  3. i'd say about slim to none.  so go to college and start another career to fall back on

  4. Depends on your talents!

  5. 1 in 100,000 but if you keep practiceing you might have a chance like 1 in 95,000 it is a little better

  6. Unless you have some really serious talent I'd have to say that you stand a better chance of winning the lottery.  Not trying to be mean, just stating the facts of life.  Good luck!

  7. There are six billion people in the world, and only 750 major leaguers at one time.

  8. 1 and 10000

  9. lol

  10. go to the Dominican Republic and play everyday and your chances will increase  

  11. Well if you play baseball and are better than average, then 1 out of 100,000.  

  12. very slim unless you are REALLY good and you practice about 3 hours a day

    too late for me.. i suk

  13. in less your from Porto Rico then slim chance....if so then probly 1:3...

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