
What are the chances of me going to UNC?

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I'm a black female going into my senior year in state with a weighted gpa of 3.69. I have had a pretty rocky high school career having switched schools in the middle of 10th grade from a very competitive school because the workload was too much for me and my grades suffered. I recovered for the most part (lowest grade being a D in eng 11 and took two other ap's which i got B's on) at a bigger but slightly less competitive school. I have been involved with several extracurricular activities some for 1+ yrs but due to the switch in schools that interfered with them. some clubs i have been in include multicultural club, dance team, TRU, Greensboro Youth Council, and HOSA.

So far i have taken 7 AP/IB classes and i'm taking 6 more this year. I've figured that the highest GPA i can get is a 4.26 which is fine with me but that's only if i get all A's. I plan on getting a job soon. I took the SAT twice (once in march of 08 and june of 08) i heard you should take the highest scores of the first three SAT's you take and add them together so i got a 1790 and plan to take that and the SAT and ACT b4 the early admissions deadline. I want to major in psychology btw.

Also i wanted to know if applying early, getting rejected, then applying b4 the normal deadline is a smart idea or a waste of time. So yeah if you could try and tell me what my chances of getting in are and what i could possibly do to improve my chances. Thanks




  1. Continue to show dramatic improvement in your grades, get involved in clubs and sports and show leadership.  Get the SAT score as high as possible.  Use study guides and test prep if available.  You have a shot but not a likely shot but you won't know if you do not try.  Forget the job if you can afford to do so.

  2. 50/50?

    don't take a job, study

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