
What are the chances of me going to war??

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i just joined with an mos of 42a (human resource specialist) and I was wanting to know the chances that I would have to go to war in a admin job. If you are not in the military DO NOT ANSWER only people in the military know what they are talking about on this situation.




  1. It doesn't matter if you are in a support role (such as admin) or not. The army still has to function while they are deployed...and that includes processing paperwork. For every infantry soldier, there are 6 support personnel behind the lines. It's all going to depend upon the unit you get assigned to and where they are at in their rotation schedule.  


    Please read:,7340,...

  3. you have a choice in it dude

    email me i need to talk to u

  4. My BF is S1 that is all she does all day paper work...Shes there now!!

    Oh yes, and dont think that in a time of great need they wont change your MOS on you!! My ex hubby was 13b field artillery, and he went over as infantry...his  MOS was changed over night!!

  5. In today's world there is a good chance that you may some time be in an area of conflict. Yes you do have a good chance of going to war,,, but at the same time you may never go. I served 10 years, and never went... I know guys who served 20 years, and were sent to an area, but did not get in a firefight. With your MOS you could be sent anywhere, they need admin personnel in conflict areas.... soldiers have to get paid, fed, mail, fuel, supplies, etc.....

    I would welcome the thought of serving and going.... not the fighting but the feeling of being with your fellow soldiers. Stand by them, take care of the, and they will take care of you. Enjoy the memories,,,, and no matter what happens,, you are a volunteer, I am proud of you for that. Do you duty, and get the job done! Be proud and serve as an American!  Good luck, stay safe and HOOAH!

  6. You will need to be there to administer the placement of people where they are needed.

  7. Hope you don't mind an old timer answering. If there are people in country with your MOS, then there is no reason to assume that you won't be deployed. However, with what was once called a REMF MOS, how you define going to war is significant. And, things can always change for the worst, in any war. marine Corps cooks fought as 0311s battling their back back from the Chosin Reservoir in Korea.

  8. Well I guess I qualify since I served in the Army as well as the Navy.In your particular (MOS) you could be deployed but you could be in the rear of the fighting as well,and out of harms way it all depends on what type of command you are assigned to that determines where you will be deployed too,and how close to the front your admin job would be.

  9. Pretty good.  You don't think they need admin folks out there too?  

    USAF Veteran

  10. 100%. EVERYBODY deploys.  EVERYBODY.  

  11. a new guy isn't going to be admin of anything.

  12. Not sure, depends on what the latest polls in the election are

  13. It all depends on where you get assigned.  You may get assigned to a Tradoc post and never even see the field, or you may get a line unit and be in the field every two months with deployments.  No one can say 100 percent either way.  As a human resources I really wouldnt worry too much about being in a combat zone, you really will not be leaving the wire, and it is relatively safe inside the post.

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