
What are the chances of me & hubby concieving the day I finish my period

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alright, my cycle is 29 days, my period just ended on the 7th, what are chances of hubby and I concieving the day that I finished my period? given the fact that we did the BD the same day I finished my period




  1. I suppose it is possible. Some say that sperm can last up to 7 days, so given that, it is going to be a matter of your ovulation and what sperm remains and if one actually fertilizes. I had s*x 2 days after my period ended and wound up pregnant, so I definitely wouldn't rule it out. These things are so difficult to try to predict. Good luck either way.

  2. Not likely. You're best chance with that cycle is around two weeks from the first day of your last period, give or take a couple of days because that will be about the time you ovulate. To help you figure out your best days to conceive, get an ovulation test kit from your local pharmacy.

  3. Slim to none

  4. No chance at all.

  5. i agree with cinder b.

  6. Slim

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