
What are the chances of me making it to the mlb?

by Guest66858  |  earlier

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i am 14 years old and my parents know a guy who is in contact with the mlb and they sent scouts to look at me for LA and SF and apperently the liked what they saw and were going to look at me in the next few years what are my chances of making it?




  1. lol a MLB scout saying he liked you at 14 is just a confidence boost. Unless you are a PITCHER who throws AT LEAST 70 MPH they are blowing smoke.

  2. You gave more than enough information there for me to be 100% sure that you'll be in the majors within 5 years!

  3. Any scout that commits to looking at a player in a couple of years is either an idiot or is just stroking someone's ego. Even more idiotic is a team that allows it's scouts to waste time looking at 14 year olds.

    Just keep playing and don't even think about it - it's probably a bunch of lip service at best, and more likely just an out and out lie.

  4. you havent given us enough info.....

    i have a feeling this is 'brian' from yesterday night in disguise....

  5. Are you one of the top 2 or 3 players in your school / league or whatever?

    You need to be the best of the best and even then your chances are about 1 in 500000. Even if you get a baseball scholarship take advantage of it for the education, your chances go up to 1 in 200000

  6. I'm going to say your chances are low, but don't let that get you down.  Keep in mind that the players in the MLB are the best baseball players in the world.  

    That being said, you may have a very promising future in baseball.  If it is what you love and you can get payed for it, I say go for it.

    Also keep in mind that teams are looking for certain types of players for their system.  You didn't mention what position you play, but that plays a factor.  

    A friend of mine hit .500 in college and didn't make it because of speed.  He wasn't slow, just not fast.  He later said he wished he'd have played catcher, then he would have had a better chance at making the roster.  They also liked his bat, but said that they thought they could take a great fielding player and teach him to hit.

    Take this info for what it's worth and GOOD LUCK!

  7. 0, they say that to everyone.  Stay in school and dont do drugs or run with the wrong crowds. Practice

  8. 1/10 of 1%

  9. You are clearly a 100% lock. Your parents know a guy who sent somebody. It doesn't get any more solid than that, dude.

  10. the chances are up to you. do you have the drive and determination? if you work hard and stay straight your chances will definitely increase.

  11. Since scouts don't look at 14 year olds, (it's illegal and they would lose their jobs), let's just say you should quit this c**p now before you make yourself looking any more stupid than you already do.

    Anyone getting tired of the "I"m 13 and scouts are talking to me" posts that have been appearing here the last few days?

  12. You said it. You are 14 years old. Unless you are from another country (Most likely Japan, Dominican Republic, Venezuela or Cuba) You will not be drafted at this age.

    You may have a good shot if your skills are developed enough but you will have to keep working at it. Since you are 14 you must be getting ready to enter High School I presume. Just try to make Varsity on each of the teams. If you do that then it will only increase your chances. Good Luck.

  13. Oh man dude! Your chances are great! I can tell because you DIDN'T GIVE ENOUGH INFORMATION!!!!

    I'm with Joba Chamberlin Jr. on this one.

  14. Dude...I had about 5 scouts looking at me in high school and even more in college. And I never made it. I threw 90+ (from the left side) and broke every HS and college record that existed at my school.

    It really depends on if you dominate in the next 4 years. Several things could happen before now and being 18 (eligable to play in MLB). You could injured your arm or even suck majorly. Hopefully that doesn't happen to you though. All I can say is don't let your head get big over this. Work harder than anyone else and dominate. Practice, practice, and practice some more. Stay in shape to your upmost ability. Players are doing more and more to get to the next level and to be the best you have to practice like the best.

    Good luck with your baseball career. You can do it.  

  15. 1 in 10000

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