I have had two miscarrages at 5 weeks pregnant, both times before I only got verry faint positive pregnancy test results so my hcg must have been low, and the test wouldn't even register positive at all untill I was 3 days late for my period. I am now pregnant again and I will be six weeks tomorrow so I have madi it further than I did the last two times but I am scared of misscarring again. This time however I got a positive result on a pregnancytest 2 days before my missed period, and the dr has been tracking my hcg levels and they seem to be rinsing really well the first hcg that he took was when I was only one day late for my period and it was 91 then two days later it went up to 215 then 5 days later it was up to1,953, and then 3 days after that it had increased to 6,374. I am going to go in at 6 weeks and 4 days to have an ultra sound, and I really hope that we can see the heart beat. Oh also the two time that I misscarried the only pregnancy symptom that I had was being moddy now my breast are sore, and iam moddy and I have felt a little nausios but not bad. The only thing that is really worring me this time is that I am having cramping off and on just like I did before when I misscarried, It is not bad and it is only off and on and I have not bleed at all. What do you think?