
What are the chances of me winning this game of chess? (I am white) and what should my next move be?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i'm not sure if you will win or not, but you MIGHT be reported for cheating and then you would be kicked off the site, right? ;)


  2. You've won, but black does not know it yet.

    I won't tell you how, that would be cheating.  Defend the undefended, and lock up what you can.

    That is assuming it is your move.

  3. Well I certainly wouldn't be as optimistic as the person who said 50/50.  I'm also a bit confused about the fact that it is your move.  The analysis chart on the left shows that you made the last move (pawn to a6).  But assuming it is your move, I can only see two possibilities.  

    Although World War 3 is about to take place on  the d5 square, you could consider the possibility of rook to a4 with a view to moving the pawn down the 'a' line.  This would cause a distraction from d5 as black would not want to move his rook on d8.  

    Alternatively, you might also consider the more defensive move of bishop to d6.  This would simply clog up the works even more but adds a bit more strength to the 'd' line.

    The only other thing I can say is that I wouldn't resign at this stage because it will take black a while to mount a serious assault.  So stick with it for a while.

  4. o.k. your chances are 50/50 the same as if your were black, chinese or osoma bin laden

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