
What are the chances of my 2nd son having an ASD?

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I have an 8yr old with Aspergers and ADHD, I have had another son with a different partner, could he have an ASD aswell? My brother has suspected Aspergers, so he trait could come from my genes. What do you think?




  1. my son is seven with asd and adhd and when i had my new son whom is now 10 months i ask the dr if he would be asd and she said that there was no way of knowing until he was older, but now i'm aware of the signs i would probably be able to spot it sooner.

  2. it is most likely to have it because i have asd (apergers) and we now think that my niece has it

  3. I have an ASD son.I had another child,with another man,and at first I thought I was home free,because she didn`t show any signs of autism.She will be 3 in July.I am sure she will be an aspi,as I have figured out at age 40,that I am an aspie.I see some signs of aspergers in my young daughter,as well as my grandson.My son has autism.I do think that some bio-medical intervention can lessen the effects,but not totaly cure it.I think that there are as many people with aspergers as autism.It`s just missed,if they are high functioning.I hate to say,but I believe the chances are pretty good for another ASD child.

  4. There is not much research that suggest that your second child will have autism becuase your first one does but that doenst mean your second child doenst have it for sure. if I were you I would take you other son to be tested as soon as possible and try and watch out symptoms such as no eye contact, talks alot about one subject, delayed motor skills. unusual facial expresion and also unable to pick up social skills and many more. I hope you find out what is going on with your son.

  5. No one really knows. Professionals will throw percentages at you, but honestly. I have seven kids, and the first two are on the spectrum (aspie and autism). Then clear for two kids, then one with adhd, then one with aspergers. The last one is 2 and 1/2 and seems to be clear.

  6. There is always the possibility, i have worked with many families of children with autism and many of them have more than one child with autism.In your case you are saying that the autism is on your side of the family due to your brother being suspected Aspergers what about your ex- partner are you sure there was no-one on her side of the family on the spectrum.

    I suggest that you watch for the tell tale signs, lack of eye contact, poor social skills,not reaching the milestones etc. you know what to look for this time, but take heart you have just as much possibility of having a completely healthy and normal child as you have a very special autistic child.

  7. its a lottery! my 1st boy has asd, my 2nd boy doesn't, I'm now with a new partner and trying to conceive, i worry too, your not alone. your more likely to have asd in subsequent children, but that's if parents are same for all kids. i just tell myself the risk is less as a different partner now, and i also feel that i coped with 2 babies only 13 months apart with a c**p hubby so even if  i have another with asd i can do it as Ive no0w got a really supportive loving man.

    good luck and enjoy your kids x

  8. The chances of your 2nd son having an ASD are greater than if there were no family history.  However, I don't think that any research has shown how strong the genetic link is...there are some families where only one child will develop an ASD and others where all of the children will.  I don't think there is any definitive way of saying.  The advantage that your 2nd son will have is that you know what signs to look for, which would lead to an earlier identification and intervention.

  9. I do think itcan be genetically linked-if you are worried then get him checked by the health visitor or GP and they should either send you to Child Development Centre or just monitor your little son to see if he's reaching his development milestones. I wouldnt worry too much about it though-as long as he's happy and healthy then I wouldnt think too much about labels until you really need to!

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