
What are the chances of my Husband being sent back to Iraq?

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My husband is (was) in the 3rd ID as an active infantryman in the Army. He served one tour in Iraq and came home in 2003. He then joined the Army Reserve. He has been with his reserve unit for a while, he even re-enlisted back in 07, with another unit. He has been with this current unit since then, and I know a few of the guys have been called back. I am curious how likely it is that my Husband will get called back? I think he plays it down to me, so I need some reality! Thanks!




  1. If they aren't even letting people who's term is over out, then it's very high he will go back!

  2. It sickens me to see everyone pushing candidates on this question. To be honest it is all a chance. You do need to understand that the Army is his job and if he is asked to go in to do his job that it should be expected. He may or may not get sent. Surprisingly I have heard from people who have been in for 5+ years and still havent going to Iraq. Just understand that it can happen and prepare yourself for it happening so if it does happen you are expecting it.

  3. if barack obarma is elected very unlikely but if someone else is elected than it is  a possibility.

  4. it depends on who gets elected in November.

    the canidates have very different views regarding iraq

    personally i'm likin'' the sound of OBAMA 08'! :)

    in all seriousness though i hope your husband stays safe weather he be here or in Iraq. i really appreciate him for his service.

  5. If he's serving in the reserves, his chances are VERY high. I would absolutely be prepared for the fact that he will deploy. It really isn't a question of's a question of when.  

  6. Iraq is SO much better since your husband has been their, they opened a KFC in Fallujah for crying out loud, if he does go, he will be a lot safer because of the surge, good luck!

  7. OMG!! I hope not!! I am so sick of this effing war! It's pointless!! I'll pray for u both! =]

  8. The chances are VERY HIGH if JOHN MCCAIN is ELECTED.

  9. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he might go again over to Iraq. I can tell you I have a good friend of mine who did one tour and then 2 months home went back overseas.

  10. 50/50 chance.

  11. That's messed up.  He could lose an arm or a leg or his eyesight or his hearing or his life over there.  And for what................  For what?

  12. Hate to tell you but there is a really good chance. This war is going to go on for a very long time and before it is over I am sure that no matter which president is elected we will invade Afganistan, which is where the actual terrorist are, not Iraq. There seems to be no end to this fight.

  13. looking past all the posters against the war and those with political agendas,

    it depends on the unit. do you know they last time they were deployed? it also depends on his MOS. you said he was infantry which is a more deployable MOS than most. regardless of when he was in, and we he went over, he can be sent back at any time.

    no body on here will be able to tell you an exact answer because it is all dependent on a few factors and the military. Yes, the war in Iraq is "almost over", but now we are getting ourselves into the war in Afghanistan. So even if he doesnt go back to Iraq, they could be deployed to Afghanistan.

    Just keep the thought in the back of your mind and prepare yourself for the future. sorry i couldnt tell you an exact answer.  

  14. Unfortunately the chances are very good. My idiot son thought if he joined the reserves he'd never be called there. They are pulling everywhere.

  15. when he re enlisted back in 07, if you did not realize the chances of him being activated for active after serving there already, I am sorry. Obama or McCain either one will not have immediate effect on the military situation in Iraq. Obama has stated he will assess the situation after he is elected. The Kool aid drinkers thinks the troops will be home in 24 hrs, but reality is, Obama isn't that stupid. He realizes it will have to run its course over time and they are already working out a withdrawal time frame. He should of gotten out of the military if he did not want to do his duty.  Sorry. reality sucks sometimes.

  16. I don't know the odds, but I do know he has a better chance of being home if you vote for Obama!

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