
What are the chances of my gf getting Birth control ? (women's input please?)?

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Hey ,I was wondering if somebody could give me some input and help a confused male out gf is going to get birth control (trying to get it) but I don't think she will get it,because she has high blood pressure,smokes,and won't get a pelvic exam/pap and never had one in several years..meaning that she will most likely get denied the pill.

From what I have researched,a doctor usually wants to know about sexual activity,blood pressure,if the woman smokes,and when the last "female exam" was.She said she had a pap done years ago and it hurt and she wouldn't do one again ( she is stubborn like me when it comes to doctors and checkups.) she said if the doctor asks to perform and exam of any kind this time she will say that it is a bad time for her down there and not get it done.

So i'm thinking,there is most likely a 95% chance of being turned down the pill.She would like to just walk in,get the prescription and leave.I asked her on what she was uncomfortable with and she said "don't worry about it".I am asking some females on here what you think of all of this? Maybe she could be worried because her fam doctor is a male and she feels that maybe only I should be down there,and she is being violated? (As her bf I have angry feelings of her doctor being down there,as would any male with a girlfriend,but I haven't told her and I would Certainly NOT let that get in the way of her health)

maybe we should look for another form of birth control seeing how there's a good chance she'll get turned down,and miss an afternoon of work.




  1. There's about a 100% chance she won't get it.

    Because of risks and side effects associated with birth control, a woman's health must be monitored while she is taking it.

    An pap smears and internal exams are to watch out for cervical cancer, because having s*x increases a woman's chances of getting it.

    With any form of birth control, from the doctor she will have to have the exam done.

    And no, not every guy should be upset about the doctor being down there. He's taking care of the health of your lady, he's not there for the same reason you are.

    Maybe she could find a woman doctor. If she still won't get the exam done, them you two are gonna have to find what works best from the over the counter things that are available. And there's more than just condoms, but condoms are best.

  2. first of all she is living a very dangerous life.  a pap is very uncomfortable but cervical cancer is worst.  she needs to be more on point with that.  Studies are showing women younger and younger are being diagnosed with cervical cancer.  I do not recommend her getting on any pill or birth control past condoms if she can't be responsible with her health because it can cause her to loose her life.  

    You also stated you are stubborn when it comes to going to the drs maybe you can help by getting your stuff in order and have her jump on board.  This goes way beyond birth control.  This can become a life and death situation.  And a vaginal exam only takes 1 minute literally it is so fast it takes longer to get undressed.  

    Hope all ends well.

  3. nope the doc won't give her the pill or any type of b.c. since she won't go for a pap. Smoking is bad.

    Condoms work wonders..

  4. Your GF has issues that go far beyond seeing a doctor.  

    Sure paps are uncomfortable, and if you're tense or freaked out, they can downright hurt.  But that should NOT stand in the way of taking care of your health!  

    She needs to get regular exams because if she's been with even ONE guy (who's in turn been with anyone else) she is at an elevated risk for STD exposure...the most problematic of which is HPV...which can cause cervical cancer.  70% of all CC cases are HPV related.

    And that's just the cervix; she also has other organs that should be checked, including her vaginal wall, her ovaries and her uterus.  ALL of them can have problems and should be regularly assessed.

    She can see a FEMALE doctor, or ask for a female stand-in during exams as well, so that should not be a prohibitor to obtaining proper medical care.

    Oh, and keep your ego in your pants; doctors -- male OR female -- don't do pelvic exams to sneak a peek at women's cootches all day long.  They are there to help the patient care for herself!!

    If she is going to completely neglect her body, well that's her decision.  If she becomes ill or pregnant she WILL eventually need to see a two ways about that.  And that's a fact.

    If you're sick of using condoms, you can practice fertility awareness (there are books and a myriad of links on the internet), and she can also use vaginal methods such as VCF (a heat-activated contraceptive film) or the Today Sponge (activated with water and inserted in the v****a).

    I frankly can't help you much.  I take care of myself.  I'm here today because I take care of myself.  11 years ago I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.  And if it hadn't been for the fact that I'd gotten regular checkups, I would have never known, and I would have died.  

    CC is one of the most easily preventable cancers there are...because there are VERY good screening methods available.  But if your GF is unwilling to submit to such a simple thing, well....don't become too attached to her; she may not be around for very long.

  5. You and your gf are both idiots for letting your feelings get in the way of your *own* health... doctors, check-ups and medical exams are *important*.

    You're the same guy asking how to get a walk-in vasectomy in an hour and be right back in the saddle with your gf the same day, right?

    It's no wonder you don't wanna see doctors: knowing they can tell how ignorant you are must embarrass you *horribly*.

  6. I'm pretty sure the Dr. has to write a report and prove that pap smear was done within a certain amount of time..

    no Dr. will give her BC legally

  7. Seriously? Tell her to just go ahead and get the d**n pap. The pain is mostly psychological. I've had 2 done in the past 3 years or so (one was just a few weeks ago when I was trying to get the pill,) and it's completely painless. If she really wants the pill, she can suck it up for 20 seconds.  

  8. most places will not give her BC if she refuses a pap, you have to have one done at least once a year. To me it just sounds like shes being stubborn. I would sit down with her and say look, there is something going on here and i want to help you out. but the only way i can is if you choose to let me know why you refuse this.

    from personal experience, trust me a pap should not hurt if it does she needs to let the doctor know asap if she is uncomfortable she needs to find a different doctor.  also lying to your doctor about your health is a BAD thing. good luck

  9. just go to planned parenthood, they ask questions she just had a pap done so she can wait another year before she has to get it again. smoking doesnt matter i smoked and took the pill i dont think blood pressure matters either but the dr will talk to her about risks associated with her hbp and birth controll if any

    good luck

  10. "As her bf I have angry feelings of her doctor being down there,as would any male with a girlfriend,but I haven't told her and I would Certainly NOT let that get in the way of her health)"

    You sound less mature than she is.

    She is not only immature, but mentally ill.

    I hope both of you find some kind of birth control so you don't produce demented children for we taxpayers to support.

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