Hey ,I was wondering if somebody could give me some input and help a confused male out here.my gf is going to get birth control (trying to get it) but I don't think she will get it,because she has high blood pressure,smokes,and won't get a pelvic exam/pap and never had one in several years..meaning that she will most likely get denied the pill.
From what I have researched,a doctor usually wants to know about sexual activity,blood pressure,if the woman smokes,and when the last "female exam" was.She said she had a pap done years ago and it hurt and she wouldn't do one again ( she is stubborn like me when it comes to doctors and checkups.) she said if the doctor asks to perform and exam of any kind this time she will say that it is a bad time for her down there and not get it done.
So i'm thinking,there is most likely a 95% chance of being turned down the pill.She would like to just walk in,get the prescription and leave.I asked her on what she was uncomfortable with and she said "don't worry about it".I am asking some females on here what you think of all of this? Maybe she could be worried because her fam doctor is a male and she feels that maybe only I should be down there,and she is being violated? (As her bf I have angry feelings of her doctor being down there,as would any male with a girlfriend,but I haven't told her and I would Certainly NOT let that get in the way of her health)
maybe we should look for another form of birth control seeing how there's a good chance she'll get turned down,and miss an afternoon of work.