
What are the chances of not being offered a place at your chosen university?

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ive applied for 5 universities and i have AS Grades of BBB, i would like to know what the chances of all the universities offering me a place are,,i applied to Queen Mary, kent, Brunel, kingston and roehampton,, the highest grade they want for A level is BBB,,, what are the chances they wont offer me a place as i have a few friends who did not get a place at Queen Mary even with A grades




  1. I'd say 50 50.

  2. some people may be expected to get good grades but are still turned down  for courses and this is often down to your personal statement.  My son's school showed 2 actual statements which had been written by students with same expected results.  One student was offered places at 2 uni's and the other was offered places at all she had applied to.  My son was offered conditional places at all of his choices even though he was not predicted all the grades.  He eventually got on the course he wanted with lower grades, due to his statement and interview.

    Everyone's experience is different and there are no guaranteed outcomes.

  3. darling what is your course? your chances depend on what your course is. the competitive courses are medicine, law, english, english literature, etc. so you need to say what your course is.

  4. How long is a piece of string?

    As the other posters have said a lot can depend on your personal statement and your interview. There was a TV programme years ago called 'doctors to be' and it showed the interview panel deciding who they wanted on the course. Students they really wanted got offers of BCC and those they were less sure than AAB.

    It also depends how many places there are and how many applicants for a particular course.

  5. As its biology it might be a bit more competitive but then when they read your personal statement and your references then they might think otherwise so just hold it out and see how it goes i got a BCD and i applied at UCL and got an offer for BBB and an interview with them even though my grades weren't that high so anythings possible.  

  6. No one can really say, it also depends on your personal statement, interview if you have to have one and how suitable they think you'll be for the course, not just your grades. I applied for English literature at Edinburgh, they wanted BBB and I had AS level ABBB and I got turned down (but I got ABB in my A levels so HAHA to them!) but was made an offer by all of my other four choices. You just don't know until they make a decision, there's no point in making guess work.

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