
What are the chances of our government deciding to implant microchips into the bodies of humans in the future?

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Under the so-called New World Order, secret societies such as the Hilderbergers, the Illuminati and others, in connection with our government, are proposing to have microchips implanted under the skin of all Americans. This plot was designed to track and monitor the movements of everyone, confirm identity when making e-commerce transactions, and serve as a rescue beacon for kidnapped children and missing persons. This computer chip (transceiver) would emit a homing beacon that can be tracked by global positioning system satellites. This stuff sounds spooky and mysterious. I'm sure there would be a major rebellion and perhaps a massive protest disputing this plan to control humans and in some cases, invade their privacy.




  1. They already are giving it too military personnel and some police and fire fighters. They are placing them in children's back packs at school to track their movements.

    I will not get one. If you have to have it to buy and sell, I moving to the most remote part of the US and living off the land.

  2. i'd say the likely-hood of that happening are great

  3. im with that one guy on this. I am not getting one either they are already making them. a company called veri chip has made them for medical information, and they are going to make them hold bank account information and they will implant them in your hand so you can buy food. im a chirstian and the scary thing about it is this

    Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    google veri chip and bank information to see this.  

  4. that will be cool. hope it plugs into my ipod. i want to know where they are, too. maybe they should all have chips so we can listen to each other nad talk. about stuff. it is a two way street.

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