
What are the chances of successfully cloning and rearing a Dodo?

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Presumably there's extant DNA. I suppose two problems would be whether the DNA was sufficiently intact and whether a suitable host could be found to nurture the embryo. I'd love to think it's possible to re-create the Dodo but I suspect it isn't.




  1. I only know of one Dodo that was stuffed, and it

    is in the British Museum (?)

    Theoretically, I don't see why a suitable host cannot

    be found and a Dodo be brought back to life. If we

    bred some and put them into a zoo, they would be

    a great tourist attraction.

  2. there is no reason to bring it back, but im sure if they collected enough stem cells from the bones they might be able to

  3. well you hit all the nails on the head there bud - major problem getting good DNA in the first place.

    Real question: why bother?  They are extinct, and would never be suited to be wild once more.

  4. I'm wondering if there would be enough DNA left considering the dodo's they have were stuff by taxidermists, and whatever chemicals they may use (not sure on the procedure) might destroy it.

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