
What are the chances of the abortion laws being changed?

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Is the right to choice, really threaten?

Sure there are pro life activist, who have rallies, posters, and meetings but so do the people who thing the end of the world is happening every other month.

Thought the "debate" was over third trimester abortions.




  1. Well considering it has yet to be overturned even when pro-lifers are in office, I highly doubt it will change anytime soon.

    Especially in this election. There are too many more importants things to worry about.

    Plus abortion is so ingrained in our psyche that even if it is given serious thought there would be way too many people who oppose it.

    It's a smart political move for some to be against abortion but it's not a smart political move to actually do anything about it.

  2. In the UK, zilch. The 24 week limit was retained recently and there's not much chance of it changing anytime soon.

  3. Little, if any at all. As a conservative, we should focus our efforts on changing peoples values instead of changing the laws.

  4. the chances are slim to none

  5. There is no real threat.  Like I said in another post, if BUSH didn't outlaw it in 8 years it ain't happening.  The only thing that Bush did was put the ban on partial birth abortion (2004).

    And people just aren't getting it right--McCain leaned more pro-choice (as much as a Republican can) before this campaign.  Of course he had to change his tune to get the Republican party off his back, but his beliefs are still there.  That was the whole reason to pick a pro-lifer like Palin-- to please the people in the party that were upset with McCain's past pro-choice votes.  

    So even if it could happen (which it couldn't), McCain isn't the one to let it happen.  He has said himself that illegal abortions would kill or harm to many women.  People just want to BELIEVE McCain would try to rid the world of abortion because he's Republican (though a moderate).

  6. I think there is a risk if McCain is elected as we have very old Supreme Court justices and the next President will probably select at least one justice, if not more. It doesn't matter what the American public or Congress thinks, if the Supreme Court keeps limiting abortion, it will be more and more difficult to attain safely. Already, the limits placed on which procedures can be performed could limit the options a doctor has to safely perform an abortion and could endanger their patient's life. So much for the sanctity of human life.

    Check out the latest restrictions placed on abortion by the Supreme Court in this article titled "Supreme Court abortion rule chills doctors":

  7. we could be as vain as saying if you can get your b***s enhanced you can have an abortion both sides are right and wrong the religious side berry your head it doesn't happen abortion in is wrong and the atheist side you can fix your mistakes none wrong over to the person.

  8. There is little chance that the laws will be changed.  Abortions are a morality issue, which is not the sort of thing that can be legislated into changing.

       Look at Prohibition...the government tried to legislate morality onto the people, and it didn't work very well at all.  It's a personal choice to drink or not, and no legislation can change that, they can only punish the act after it has occurred.

       The same is true for abortion.  There were abortions long before they were made legal.  As a matter of fact, making them legal has saved many lives that otherwise may have been lost to unskilled abortionists, as lower income women with not enough money for a plane ticket to Mexico or Canada take the only option they have left.

       Don't forget that there was a reason abortion became legal, and those reasons still exist, they are just neutralized by the "fix" that was put in place. Just because they are legal does not compel any one to get one, but it's good to have options available that are at least antiseptic.

  9. No I don't think so. We shouldn't have any right over another persons body. Even if it were made illegal people would still do it just as much, like taking drugs.

  10. I think there's a real threat. That's why we must vote to keep those nutjobs out of the White House.

    Obama 08

  11. There are some states which have passed laws basically saying that if the Supreme Court changes its stance on Roe vs. Wade, they'll ban abortions entirely, or at least to the point where they can only be done under very limited circumstances.  However, these are the minority.  In most states, it wouldn't change a thing, although I'm sure pro-lifers in those states would up the ante on protests and petitions if it changes.

  12. I doubt there will be significant change, but if McCain is elected, the chances of it will go way up.

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