
What are the chances of us dying because of LHC?

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if you don't already know about this, check it out on wikipedia

but please tell me!!

thank you




  1. about the same amount of chance that you will be struck on the head by a meteor that contains 17 winning lottery tickets inside. and then with those tickets, buying an array of fairies, elves, and dwarfs. and transporting all of them, on your flying dragon, to the superbowl game between the bears and the packers. after the game, you get struck several times in the face with lightening, attacked by a shark 8 times, and 4 planes land on your chest.

    or about the same amount of chance that the LHC multiplies its current maximum power output by 10 trillion, which is what would need to happen for it to create a microblack hole (which crazies say is going to happen)

  2. None brother... the probality of it tends to ZERO.. next to impossible..

  3. ZERO. Four letters that perfectly answer your question. Now relax.

  4. Worst possible... POSSIBLE.... scenario: It doesn't work and we wasted tons of money and time.

    The chances of it killing someone are minimal... unless someone gets trapped in the machine, but that isn't the LHC's fault.

    EDIT: The chances of the LHC killing us all are about the same as the world ending in 2012.

    Like shawn said, these black holes are so tiny that they won't last more than a hundredth of a second, and will be the mass of about an atom of two, no where near enough to suck anything in.

    EDIT 2: "How the h**l do we know what these black holes would do? Have you played with them like silly putty?" Well metal, we don't play with toys we research and we study. And if you had researched black holes at all you would know that they don't automatically suck things in.

  5. 1 to none. shawn p has it covered.

  6. The LHC will not do anything that doesn't occur in nature, it just does it under observable, laboratory conditions.

  7. Sorry to burst your belief in the idea that human race is that advanced, but we have nowhere near the technology you would need to do this.

    Maybe if kept creating these things, and sent them flying at each other they might join up and make a baby black hole that we would go "Ooh." and then watch it fade out of existence.

    It has been theorised that if the Earth were a black hole, it would be approximately 1/3 of an inch.

    But at this size, it would evaporate away very quickly, not being able to suck in enough matter to grow.

    If you ask again in 50 years, the answer may be yes.

  8. They are hoping to form a mini-blackhole that will create an Einstien/Rosen bridge (wormhole) with the abyss at the center of our galaxy and let all sorts of extradimensional (spiritual) nightmares into our world. Nothing material could survive in Sagittarius A* before the bridge is formed. This 'Tower of Babel' science must be stopped!

  9. how the h**l do people know what these "mini black holes" will do? Have you ever created one? Ever seen one? Played with one like it's silly putty?  

  10. The fact that the LHC is NOT natural raises concerns for some of us, since it is mankind trying to understand nature, using mankind's own interpretation of nature (which is not complete...and therefore leading to dangerous circumstances...example....atom-bomb). Since the LHC is not natural, who is to say that a black hole will not be created? It may be created, but it won't be natural. It would be a freak of nature. Controlled conditions? Yeah, to create the environment for something unstable to occur. Sure.

    People say the black hole will evaporate since it will be very small. And yet, if it is created, who is NOT to say that the LHC's systems may give it energy to survive? The superconducting magnets will add to the energy of it. It may be small compared to the blackhole's magnetic field but it's still energy. What about the beams travelling through the tubes? The blackhole, even if small will have a concentrated magnetic field, which may also surpass the field strength of the containment magnetic systems.

    I think there is a lack of hard science here. CERN people don't know what they are messing with, even though they have theorized black holes to be harmless etc. It doesn't secure the experiment as absolutely safe. They would be over-egotistical to think they 'know' how nature works...and how a black hole works totally and completely.

    I am quite sure there is a great deal of unknowns to them, they haven't thought about. This produces the elements of distaster...or the potential for it.  

  11. Cosimic rays have produced more energetic reactions than are possible in the LHC. If the LHC was going to kill us the cosmic rays should have done us all in already.

  12. So low that it's not even worth worrying about.  There is a higher probability of you dying in a car accident tomorrow than there is of the LHC destroying humanity.  The place is full of safeguards, it's buried a good ways underground, and doesn't generate enough energy to create anything dangerous.  Frankly, your personal computer poses more of a threat to you than the LHC ever will... and I somehow doubt that your computer will ever harm you.

  13. none

    i've said this so many times before....

    any black holes it does create will exist for less then a second (FAR LESS) and they will be so small they'll be impossible to see with the naked eye (even if we could see black holes)

    the black holes won't even be capable of sucking in dust, much less the earth, the continent, country, city or even the building.  

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