
What are the chances????

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say if a girl ovluated on the 25th of this month. and we had s*x but the first time we did, we used a condom but the second time we didnt and i pulled out. what are the chances/percentage of her becoming pregnant? dont worry im in my 20's and very able to take care of a kid. no rude comments please.




  1. Your chances are still pretty good. Withdrawl is only about 25% successful because a man's pre- ejaculation fluid can also contain s***n. So if I were you, I would make sure that I used a condom everytime.

  2. slim but possible

  3. well, pre-ejaculate has s***n in it too. so even if you didnt finish or you pulled out, im sure that was some fluid that was produced. ovulation is the best time to conceive. next time use protection. sure it feels good, but, thats easier that raising a baby for the next 18 years. um, if shes late have her take a test. if you buy a first responce early preg. test, if can tell you 5 days before her missed period. and even if theres a faint 2nd line, she's most likely preg. cuz thats what happened to me.  

  4. chances for pregnancy are always high! pre ejaculation works just as well like regular gas and premium...they both but condoms are always your best bet, at least this way you can control the situation. Be careful out there, pregnancy is not the only thing you can catch now a

  5. are you saying she ovulated on the 25th and you guys had s*x on that day or close to it? if you did, that is the best times for her to be pregnant. i think there is a 30% chance of pregnancy. all you can do its wait until her next period.

  6. Do yourself a Big Favour, use a Condom.

  7. pre *** can get a girl pregnant.....i dont know the percentage of how well the pull out method works but i know its pretty low...

  8. my doctor told me you are most fertile 7 days after your period....and the pull out method worked for me for years....i recommend it to women who can't take the pill b/c of adverse affects, latex allergies and if you can actually care for a baby if you become pregnant.  I would say you prolly aren't pregnant.  Just a hunch.

  9. In all honestly, not that big of a chance. People are going to tell you "don't do the pull out method, it never works!" Well, it works but NOT ALL THE TIME. Slim chances but still, the possibility is there.

  10. don't be silly wrap your willy!

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