
What are the chances?????????????

by  |  earlier

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ok i know its bad but me and my bf take risks sometimes when there are no condoms left BAD I KNOW so last night we had s*x with no protection ... we have done this b4 and we have been lucky ... generally what are the chances that i could be pregnant? what are the most common early symptoms? any help plz?!




  1. ...what a stupid question...your seriously asking what the chances of getting pregnant with no protection?.....i think you must be too young to be even having s*x to ask such a stupid question.

  2. I'm really sure you don't need anyone here to tell you that the risk is big if you're having s*x without contraception. Don't forget also that a baby could be the least of your worries - heard of STDs? As for early symptoms, I found my gums were bleeding, weeing alot, emotional, and of course the lack of period and positive HPT gave it away!

  3. well you wont know if your pregnant until you miss your period and having s*x last night is way to early to have any symptoms but i knew i was pregnant before my period came. The first time a was pregnant as i was so tired and bloated but its different for every woman

  4. yes im exactly like you and after you have done it you feel realy realy stupid but sometimes you are lucky but then this time for me i was not so lucky :( im pregnant because of risks that usually i didn't get pregnant but this time i did and surprise surprise the father has run a mile so if you are lucky enough again USE PROTECTION don't get yourself into my mess

  5. If you only had s*x last night you could still get the morning after pill.

    Your GP can prescribe it or you can buy it over the counter - but it's expensive.

    You should consider going on the pill or some other form of contraception. I'd advise you both getting the all-clear from the GUM clinic first - you never know.

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