
What are the chances...?

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what are the chances of lightning hitting one of my trees in the backyard and falling on my house causing damage? i have 3 VERYYYY tall but VERYY skinny trees in my backyard..and its about to storm veryy badly and im really scared lightning will hit one and it will come crashing into my house killing me. [im scared of dying haha.] but what are the chances??




  1. Any tall object is at risk of being struck by lightning. But the actual chances are difficult to predict. For example, if your trees are the only tall objects around, then the chances of them being struck are pretty high, as lightning will naturally seek the quickest passage to the ground. But if there are plenty of other tall objects around, like buildings and other trees, then the chances are lower.

    But the chances of the tree actually killing you by falling onto your house are pretty slim. You say the trees are tall but very thin. So there won't be as much force behind them if they fall onto your house as there would be if they were big, bulky trees. It's far more likely that they will cause some damage to your house, but wouldn't actually do enough damage to harm anyone inside the house.

    If you're that worried, perhaps sleep in a room on the other side of the house, just to put your mind at rest and get a good night's sleep!

  2. you will never now you r alwase in for a surprise!!!

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