
What are the chances that America could have another civil War?

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What are the chances America could have another civil war?

And if so what would cause it?




  1. i doubt it would happen, the last time was over huge issues that dealt with everyday life and most of the souths economy.....the biggest issue probably right now is the recession, this is nothing compared to the great deppression and we got through that without a civil war

  2. The only states right now, that might secede would be California and Hawaii....There are times when the rest would just let Cali go.....

  3. The only chance i would think might get people excited enough would have to do with immigration, the thing is people get mad for a few hours and they are over it.. They wouldnt have enough resolve to go through with a civil war.

  4. Unlikely.  The US is by far more homogeneous than it was 140 years ago.  Despite what you may read in the popular press about "culture wars".  There is some regionalism certainly: in a country this size it would be impossible for it NOT to happen.  But that doesn't mean there would be conflict outside of the political and economic spheres.

  5. There is little chance of it happening now.  If it did happen it would be when the rural and suburban areas get fed up with supporting the larger cities and having the values of those cities rammed down their throats.  It would be a state vs state thing but large urban areas against the rest.  Voting patterns have been growing wider between those areas for years and core values and beliefs are very distinctly different between the two groups even within the same state and region.  personally I think the most likely cause would be the Second Amendment-look at the disparity there and the DC law ban being found unconstitutional was a 5-4 vote or the issue still present of states rights which was the driver behind the Civil War and not slavery as commonly taught and stated here; difference is one was the reason for the war and the other was the emotional justification for the war.

  6. Could it? It is always there. It only needs a spark like the last one

    Would it? Dunno on that one but as the Declaration of Independence does grants the right to alter, concede, or demolish the government and I would think that alter would happen first before the others. Or atleast clean up the gov. and get out the corruption.

  7. At this point, virtually zero.

    There is no obvious issue on the horizon that would lead to such a conflict.

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