
What are the chances that Gail Kim will return tonight on RAW?

by  |  earlier

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no shes left wwe




  1. probably after the beth phenoix and kelly kelly womens championship match

  2. I don't think Gail Kim will be back on Raw

  3. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419...

  4. 0%

  5. -2%

  6. 10%. I say 2 months from today

  7. 5 Percent Come Over  HEre For Raw Tonight Great Quality

  8. it would certainly help the raw divas division

  9. She isnt. She hasnt even signed a contract yet.  

  10. 99%

  11. Well i would say about 55%. Take Ron Killings for example he signed with WWE a while back and has yet to debut

    ( this friday on Smackdown he will debut ) . So its all possible but i think she may debut at another time.

  12. Gail Kim?

    She's on TNA right.?

    Well this was a random question, maybe 4%?? Who knows.Anything can happen.

  13. Slim to None She hasn't even finalized a contract

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