
What are the chances that I could pass on my mental problems to my future children? ?

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I'm only seventeen, and I don't want to become a mother until I am at least in my mid to late twenties. I have ADHD, and I'm pretty sure I am Bipolar[I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to make an appointment to get that checked out]. I've always wanted my own biological children, that come from my body, my genes, I want to experience being with child, but I'm really scared that I'll pass my mental issues on to my children. I've seen how much trouble this stuff has cause my parents, and me, and I don't want that for the future.

So I was wondering what the chances that I might pass this on to my children. And is there anything I could do to break the cycle?

This has really been bugging me.




  1. I am sorry to said that is nothing you can do to avoid passing these disease to your children, i suffer from depression and i never got treatment wen I was a teen, because back then nobody really know so much about mental health but If I had know my history and my husbands I will never have had kids because my older one  was a cutter for awhile until I got him some help ,an the small one has a bad problem w/ depression  so there is mi history good luck to you and if you ever decide to have children's at least check the father family history regarding on mental problems,

  2. Both bipolar disorder and ADHD tend to run in families.

  3. I'm not sure of the states on ADHD, but the odds of a kid manifesting bipolar if his/her parent is bipolar is about 10%.  That's a very low probability.  As you may or may not know, enviornment has a role in bipolar.  In identical twins, only 70% both have bipolar.  So, *IF* you actually do have bipolar, the things you can do to reduce the odds of your children ending up with the illness are to always be med compliant, work with a therapist long enough to gain real skills at managing stress and then periodically as needed, and to maintain a stable, nurturing home.  Med compliance and healthy lifestyle you owe yourself.  A healthy, nurturing home may or may not effect whether a child manifests the illness.  Why some get it and others don't isn't clear.  But, the point is that the odds are low and there are simple, logical things you can do to help reduce the odds further.  Take care of yourself, treat the illness if you have it, and go live your life like any other person.

  4. I think it's very ethical and conscientious of you to think about those types of issues.  But I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Even with severe mental disorders like schizophrenia the chances of a child getting it from parents is still very low.  It's probably between 1% to 25% for ADHD and biopolar since it's usually up to 50% for someone who had a parent with schizophrenia.  Since there is a high chance your kid will be OK, don't worry about and don't let it impact your desire to have children at any age.

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