
What are the chances that a military draft will be reinstated?

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I just turned 18 so i had to register with the i know that if they reinstate the military draft im able to be drafted...but with the increase of volunteers, and all the benifits the army gives out, is it even likely that the draft will return? I know both presidential canidates support a draft, but i also know that Rengal (or whatever his name is) keeps proposing a bill to congress to reinstate the draft, but he gets outvoted 400-0 on a regular im assuming im okay, but what would have to happen for the draft to come back?




  1. There are PLENTY of men and women already enlisted that would deploy for the extra money, experience, etc. And there are also lots of people in the military who have yet to be deployed.

    Also, when you enlist in the military, there is still a certain amount of time after you get out where they could call you back in if they needed to. For example, my husband signed up to do 5 years in the Marines, but really he's signing up for 8 years. So once he gets out, he'll still have 3 years left where they could call him back him if needed. So all those men and women would get chosen way before they started drafting.

    I wouldn't worry one bit. :)

  2. Not any time soon unless we go into WWIII, because the US Military wants people who are enthusiastic about joining, and if you look at alot of the drafted vets from Vietnam, they were never the same. They had a plan for their life, and they came back as paraplegics, amputees, brain dead, or some never came back to their family

  3. Zero. Congressman Rangel only wants this because of the high unemployment rate of 18-26 year old males in his district. He sees it as a jobs program.  

  4. I signed up for the draft the day after 9/11. Everyone was talking draft then. It didnt happen.

    Everyone was talking draft during Iraq. It didnt happen.

    It's not going to happen.

    Even if it does, you being 18 makes you the LAST age that would be reality if they started a draft they would easily pick up a million people in the first round.

    Dont worry.  

  5. Slim to none at this time. I do like the idea of compulsory National Service however.

  6. Not sure how to answer this,i was drafted in 1969,was scared as could be with all the rumors and lies i heard,but if we keep on how we are sticking our nose in all other countrys business then it may happen,alot of men and women are out of work and the goverment needs people in these cases,all it would take is congress,the president and the stroke of the pen.nobody wants to leave there loved ones or go to war !but this country was not built on cowards,just because your called to serve does not mean you will ever leave the states and see combat.

  7. They should bring it back, my generation was drafted and we wound up learning trades in the military, discipline, would get the bums off the street.

  8. Very low, the military doesn't want you (unless you want to be in).  Although maybe Obama will want to reinstate the draft, it was Carter after all who reinstated draft registration.

  9. Neither Presidental Canidate supports reinstating the draft, where did you get that idea?  We have no current need for a draft so I would not worry about being drafted.  

  10. I don't see the "draft" coming back unless another World War were to actually come about.

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