
What are the chances that both of my favourite teams,Wales and West Ham..will win today?

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I know it's a strange combination but I'm a proper (Welsh-speaking) Welshman who was given a book on West Ham after they won the FA cup in 1964 . I have stuck to them through thick and thin (mostly thin)ever since.

This season,both teams have been playing really badly..what a tonic it would be for BOTH to win today..any chance do you think?..worth a wager?..probable high odds against.




  1. Two chances of both winning ... slim and none!!

    And slims just left town!!

  2. you got to hopes mate bob hope and no f---king hope lol

  3. As long as they are not playing against each other who knows there luck might change..............

  4. I think we will do well against the English today, pride is now at stake!

    West Ham, sorry im a blue.

  5. maybe wales might but west ham,no chance

  6. I'm having money on West Ham but not on Wales.

    Do hope it is a good game though, will be watching the Hammers and listening to England.

    Good luck with the bet though

  7. Wales to win, 6/5 and West Ham to win 7/2 so a £1 double would return you £9.90. Good Luck ( PS, I will be rooting for the Irons ! )

    Edit ; Benefit of hindsight !!!!!    A tenner better off !  Come on you Irons !!!!!!

  8. ONE will one will not?

  9. west ham i think No chance...

    wales .. maybe

  10. Both will lose. Sorry.

  11. Both will win by 20 points.

  12. wales will win by 9 points. i dont know how i know lol - just kidding its already over heehee

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