
What are the chances that the children pick up tendencies, habits or behaviors just like their mother?

by Guest62933  |  earlier

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I know a mom who's in her late 30s, cheats on her husband with people online (he cheats on her as well but they stay together for the children).

But anyways they have 4 children (1 or 2 from each of their previous marriages, dunno the exact details but all 4 under this couple living together for a long time) 18 year old, a couple of pre-teens and a 7 year old I believe. Anyways what are the chances that the children end up dirty talking onilne, flake out on relationships, smoke just like their mother and pick up other tendencies as they grow up

she does them when they're not at home and sometimes when they're home but come on children these days are crazy smart, only a matter of time they put 2 and 2 together ya know and see some funky business going on..

the father is less present in their lives because he works quite a bit

the mom is a stay at home mom is very "present" or around the kids




  1. there is  a way for everything

  2. For some of those things I think the chances are very likely that the kids will follow in her footsteps. When kids especialy teens see their parents doing stuff such as smoling and using dirty language I would almost bet that they will at least try it.

    I dont know that they would cheat online, or if they will have the same relationship problems with others, I think that is different with each individual.

    I hate it that my stepchildren ages 8 and 11 live with their mother and they see her smoke weed, sell and buy drugs and she lives a very ghetto lifestyle that she seems proud of, so I understand the worry, but a parent that thinks her kids will do better than they do or that what they are doing isnt wrong wont try to hide what they are doing.

    It is a very sad situation.

  3. You are right kids are very smart now days. I think that kids learn what they see, so there is a good chance that they too will do some of the same things as the mother. Either that or they will really see how they don't want to live. Once kids get to a certain age and they understand between right and wrong it is then up to them to make the choices that will affect them. You can blame the parent for the kids behavior only if the parent is not teaching them right from wrong. Hopefully she is teaching her children some good morals so that they can decide they don't want to be like mom.

  4. Their chances of being like her are about the same as being an absent cheater like their father.  It's time for both parents to set a better example for the kids.

  5. Children often imitate the home environment because thats what the see as 'normal' in life. Issues such as school, media, extended family, their friends etc will come into it and socialp ressure increase esp in the teen years so they may not be EXACTLY like mum and dad but they may hold same ideals and values.

  6. yeah they will pick up  on at least one nasty habbit, but if they'er smart kids they will make a change in there lives not to continue the way they were exsposed to their mother or father's doing

  7. Children learn what they live and live what they learn. But that doesn't necessarily mean they will turn out like their mom. Her lifestyle will more than likely have a profound effect on them. But that does not doom them to repeat her mistakes as adults. Everyone has a choice of how they live their life despite their upbringing or lack their of.

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