
What are the chances we will get along.ladies please answer.?

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well ive been divorced for over a year.forced to live at my brothers because of divorce.I'm moving on with life now and in the near future i do plan on getting established again.but a woman from work has got me a friendship type date with her sister who is established and a little you think she will mind my situation I'm in.i do have a good job,yet am broke after paying c/s,rent what do you i have several tattoos i don't think she does,will it matter,any tips?




  1. All women are different about they way men look some like muscles some like tall some like tattoo some like bald ect, dont be affraid to find out go out on this date then you will know if this girl will like you for who you are good luck

  2. If she is understanding then she will respect the situation you've been through and hopefully not judge you based on that.  If you're trying to get your life back on track then she shouldn't really have a problem with it.  It is just a date for now so don't go in feeling like she's the next one you'll marry.  That's a lot of pressure.  Don't worry about the tattoos, some women like them and some don't.  She should be trying to like  you for who you are not your appearance.  Don't forget, life is about taking risks.  some risks work out and others don't.  If you never take a risk to find things that make you happy then you can't expect the things you want to magically drop in your lap.  You need to go out there and make it happen.  So what if this date doesn't work out.  It is good practise for you until you find the next lady that you feel is right for you.  Whatever you do, don't sit there and discuss your ex-wife all night, that would be a major turn off.  good luck!

  3. all people get in bad situations now if other poeple can accept that i dont know

    i supose that some logical people do & some others dont!

    that depends on the person....

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