
What are the characteristics of libra rising?

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What are the characteristics of libra rising?




  1. --Ascendant in Libra--

    This denotes a life in which the native adopts an attitude which is courteous, kind, and affectionate.

    People with Libra Ascendant are basically motivated by feeling and emotion rather than intellectuality. Your life will demonstrate your keenness of observation, and a tendency to effect comparisons largely of an aesthetic nature. You will not display too much energy in your actions and, therefore, there is a tendency toward following routine and the lines of the least resistance. You are a sympathetic person who seeks the approval of others and is also very adaptable. Your intuition is remarkable and you derive sensual gratification from engaging in social intercourse, by loving all social aspects of life.

    If you do not control this tendency to be so involved in human relationships, you may become too attached and over dependent.

    Some restlessness, changeability and lack of persistence is noted in your life. Your main feature is that of constantly favoring the fusing of two things or people together.

    Unfortunately, this involvement with harmonizing and adjusting people to one another, tends to make the native a little unrealistic and lacking in action. You will be, however, easy going and congenial, socially oriented and preoccupied with adornments, clothing, social conventions, standards, and aesthetics. In love, if you cause the relationship to be a serious one, you will find that the affair is the consequence of your own interest in flattering yourself rather than to satisfy any profound emotion.

    Professionally, you will be inclined to activities which require a high degree of culture and even artistic knowledge.  

  2. Lovely, sweet, soft Venus--goddess of physical beauty -- rules the external egos and facades of all with this sign rising. Libra is the sign which rules the seventh house in the natural zodiac -- the "other-persons" sector. You are very conscious of your everyday contacts with those in your environment, and want to see fairness become a reality in the world.

    You basically feel that everyone should get a fair share of what he/she deserves, based upon your personal belief that positive rewards should be forthcoming to all who deserve them, and that equal punishment is due these who violate the rules of justice and cause harm to others.

    The words balance, form, order, color, and symmetry have a special meaning and importance to you whether in your personal relationships, career, business, hobbies or recreation. No doubt you have some artistic ability that you do (or at least should) express on a regular basis. If you haven't yet discovered your particular best talent, you should continue to look and experiment until you find it.

    With Libra rising, individual heights vary a great deal; but many are well above the average. The body usually is well-proportioned. The head may be very round at the top, rather long, may taper markedly toward the chin. The bone structure of the face may be unusually symmetrical.

    The hair is fine in texture, silky in appearance and tends to the lighter shades. Skin tone often is excellent in youth but may become less so rather rapidly with age. The speaking voice is gentle, soft and melodious in tone but can command a lot of attention when necessary. Many with Libra rising may be able to sing rather well. Grooming in both sexes is usually in excellent taste.

    Some mannerisms are rather interesting. For example, when weighing any even slightly-puzzling statement, proposition, or decision, you may carefully balance a small object -- such as a pencil, ruler, or stick on the tip of a finger, or if standing, balance your weight on your toes. With the best specimens of Libra rising, there is a most equable disposition, a natural love of justice, and an idealistic outlook.

    Unfortunately, a few very confused, discontented, quarrelsome, and far-from-content individuals are born under this influence. Since this ascendant desires to balance opposites, this makes for much discrimination; but this also means these natives are in a frequent state of mental and emotional flux, making it very difficult to form a firm foundation.

    Libra rising makes you highly imaginative and intellectual, but your memory may be somewhat below par. You are most skillful in discussion or debate and are quite the master of evasion. The emotions tend to be somewhat superfical rather than very deep. While you generally have a give-and-take attitude about emotional matters, you nearly always get the better of any such exchange. (The seventh-house influence will bring many interpersonal exchanges on various levels throughout the lifetime.)

    As far as most potential weaknesses are concerned, it can be said that the majority of them stem from the very energies which are usually considered most desirable -- the peace-loving, adaptable instincts. These, when misapplied, can make for too great an inclination toward compromise, vacillation, and evasion of decisions and responsibilities.

    The overall constitution is basically sound but the central nervous system may be rather sensitive. Your general health, attitude, and sense of well-being are very much affected by others and the environment generally. Fortunately, since there is a natural inclination to moderation in all things, little serious or long-term illness is normally experienced. The life-pattern, though seldom stable, is usually rather fortunate overall. The 24th, 36th, and 48th years tend to be especially significant.

    The main characteristics of an desirable nature and good for cultivation are indicated by such words and terms as: justice, sympathy, thoughtfulness, foresight, graciousness, modesty, refinement, artistic ability and interest, adaptability, cheerfulness, love and affection.

    Less-than-desirable characteristics for correction are denoted by these words: uncertainty, indecision, impulsiveness, recklessness, procrastination, pushiness, vanity, aloofness, shallowness, carelessness and vacillation. Most or perhaps all of these undesirable traits already have been or can be improved or corrected by the sensible application of your many outstandingly-positive talents and abilities.

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