
What are the cheapest ways to get around London??

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And I'm also looking for great deals on Hotels in the City, any suggestions?? I would be willing to stay a little out of the city as long as the commute isn't bad!

Also, where do you go to convert US dollars to Pounds?

Thanks for the help!!

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  1. You can go to Marks & Spencer (there's one at Marble Arch, turn left out of the tube station) and there's no commission although there are lots of cambios around Regent Street and the Strand. Although if you carry travelers checks there's a commission at these change places.

    Try one of the U of London dorms, like Kings College. Pretty cheap.

  2. The cheapest way to travel is definitely to buy an Oyster card. You have to pay a 3 pound deposit, but then the fares are so much cheaper both on the tube and buses. When you leave you just give back the Oyster card and they give you your deposit back. Look on this site for details of travelling in London in general:

    For hotels look on for good deals. Otherwise just look up hotels in the city. If you mean the city as in where the investment banks are, I wouldn't stay there, even if you're here on business. I'd probably look in Southwark which is just across the river as it's a lot livelier, especially on the weekends (but if you just mean city as in the city of London, then ignore that bit!).

    As for where you can convert dollars to pounds, try any bureau d'echange! If you're really stuck though I know Marks and Spencer convert money when you get here...

    Have fun in London!

  3. walking

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