
What are the chemical compounds found inside television sets?

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What are the chemical compounds found inside television sets?




  1. lead is mostly found on television sets

  2. Umm....




  3. there are some chemical compounds found inside TV sets,one of these are the (1)silicon compound present in the heat sink ,the other is the(2) soldering paste use for soldering,(3)the soldering lead.

  4. I have to laugh.....Haaaaaa Ha ha ha ha Haaaaaaa !!

    Those answers are silly....Haaaaaa Ha ha ha ha Haaaaaaa !!

    Ok, I'm done laughing....

    Lets start with the plastic cabinet...most are oil-based compounds like PVC and PTHE plastic compounds....

    The Panels are Plastic on LCD TV sets, with metal-based crystalline structures...

    Plasma uses silicon glass with Phosphor and rare gases....

    The boards are silicon based fiberglass with resin compounds....

    The integrated circuits are silicon based compounds with rare earth compounds....

    And the wiring is copper based compounds....

    A whole helluva lot of different compounds are used in a TV set, so all I can give you is the FAMILY of compounds used in them.....

    God, I'd be writing for HOURS if I had to tell you specifics !

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